Oh, well.

Sep 05, 2004 12:06

Well, I wasn't really able to say when something changed, because it all happened so quickly.
I went out there and played Everytime on the piano, and it sounded sort of creepy and solitary and then just as I finished the phone rang! Hurrah!
It was stephan. I was very happy to see him. Or, um, hear from him.
He had just gotten back from the movies, and he went to see Harry Potter, so I thought it might have been the same one athrylis was at. Then while I was talking to him, Athrylis and daddy burst into the no-longer-silent dark home of doom chattering loudly about the Harry {otter movie. Apparently, athrylis had gone to a showing half an hour after stephan's.
So then while I was talking to stephan his phone started beeping, and in order to solve this problem, he came over and got his laptop, and then I sat on the couch in pain while he played music and then a book-on-CD for a long time. Then he went home and I went to bed.
See, eveything just happened so fast, I didn't get the chance to tell you!
Stephan's hair looks so good now. I mean seriously. It's like a whole new thing.
It made me want to pet it a lot, and keep him there for a very very long time. Good hair. :-p heh...
He said he was going to read my live journal, again, but he probably isn't. In fact, he probably doesn't even remember my name thingy. Slantiness. I named it after the good cd! He should remember slantiness!
So I can keep writing whatever I want.
I want my schedule....regristration is on tuesday, hurrah hurrah!
Anyway...time to go! Goodbye small little blog reading persons!

stephan, harry potter

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