This weekend we had the first nice weather of the season, and it was beautiful. I went to the Lake Eola Art Festival with my mom, Aunt Carrol, and cousin Nikki. It was lovely. I bought pumpkin spice and lavender/patchouli, soap, an anklet that twinkles like little bells as I walk, and delicious veggie chips. The temperature held at a steady 77 or so, and we could not have asked for a better day.
I'm thinking of doing the locks for love, thing, if they'll take my hair. :] And even though I'm not exactly working on a novel for NaNoWriMo, I'm at least thinking about my book. That counts for something, right?
I don't know if it's just coincidence that I feel pretty satisfied with life at the same time the weather finally turns gorgeous... it certainly didn't turn out that way last year. But the things that bothered me last year just don't so much this year, even though not too much has changed. I'm still single, and there's really nobody I'm interested in, but I have a few people I flirt with in a friendly way, and that's enough right now. And I'm at a good place with all my friends, too. Today I stayed a bit after school with Kels and Sarah to gank a cookie from Eddie, who sells them for the JC magnet. I finished my economics class, finally. I have a car. I'm working on getting a job, I applied to's nice, being happy. I hope all of you are too! ♥