Jun 28, 2005 00:57

Chelsea: wow heather.. no offence, but i do not like those pics on your space
Me: you aint' going to like e when i'm 18
Chelsea: why
Me: cause i'm not going to be the type that you hang out with
Chelsea: what do ou mean
Me: i'm going to dress a lot more like a raver and a goth
Me: and you don't like that so enjoy me while you can :-)
Chelsea: oh
Chelsea: not like i can cuz i never see y ou
Me: umm ok lol
Me: not my fault lol
Chelsea: oh well ig uess
Me: lol
Chelsea: wow
Me: what/
Chelsea: i dont knwo.. those pics
Me: wow
Me: don't look at them if you dodn't like tjem then
Chelsea: im not anymore, but i just NEVER saw you that way, EVER
Me: well that is me
Me: that's what i like
Chelsea: yeah, i can feel our somewhat of a friendship going downhill
Me: how so?
Me: and why?
Chelsea: ahh cuz yeah, like you said, im not gonna like you when your 18.. cuz i cant stand you dressing like tha tnow, and your ognna be more like goth when your 18
Me: chels, if you can't love me for who I am then that is what will be the downhill of our friendship
Chelsea: im not starting anything, or trying to, but i dont think thats you, i think thats who your friends wnat you to be
Me: i wanted to be this when i was five chels
Chelsea: you didnt even know what a goth was or anythignw hen you 5 heather
Me: actually i knew the dress
Me: and i wanted to be pierced and tattooed when i was five
Me: wednesday adaams was my idol
Chelsea: well whatever makes you happy i guess, but thats me, i dont think it's you, i think just the certian people you hang out with, wnat you this way, but i wont name any names
Me: i dresssed this way before anjie
Me: i dressed this way before justin
Me: and i dress the way i want
Me: i don't like [reppy clothes, i don't like conformity in the normal state
Chelsea: you dress the way you want, i cant do anything about it, thats up to you
Me: if you don';t like me for how i express what is in my mind by dressing this way, then that's not right
Me: i accept you and your beliefs and how you dress because that's you
Chelsea: i didnt say you coudlnt dress the way you wanted. but im just saying i dont think thats you
Me: and i don't have a prob with it and i never will
Me: well you don't know me really because i don't talk about what i like and how i am to you
Chelsea: i wouldnt have a problem with you dressing the way you do, if your attitude didnt change with it, your just all about, the bad shit it seems like to me
Chelsea: like probably before i know it you'll be a pot head and what not
Me: that appeals to me cause tha'ts what it is
Me: no
Me: i don't do drugs i refuse
Me: i don't drink
Me: i smoke, woohoo
Me: you have sex, i don't
Me: i don't rag on you for that and i don't call you a slut of anything
Chelsea: i didnt say you did do drugs, im just saying before i know it, like when your 18... your going to start
Chelsea: which is your decision im not going to hate you for it
Me: i'm not going to
Me: the only thing i will be doing when i'm 18 is dressing how i want, looking how i want and living how i want
Chelsea: ok heather, im sorry im not trying to start anything at all, and i do love you to death, but i just dont want you getting hurt
Me: i'm not going to
Me: by dressing like this and expressing my ideas like how i do
Chelsea: like i've told everyone, i can not, in the world hate you at all, because i've known you too long,b ut i just dont want you, goign someplace bad
Me: just because i dress like this ins't going to take me someplace bad
Chelsea: but the more you dress like this, the more you you will meet you like you, like people who have doen worse, and peer pressuring you into do what they have and on and on
Me: i'm a good kid and you know it
Me: chelsea i'm friends with people who push ecstasy and smoke pot all the time
Me: and they ask me to and i don't i tell them why and they respect it
Chelsea: thats good, i just care to much about you, thats all, im sorry
Me: well i'm not going to automaticallyu forget that because it's me and you don;t know me that well i guess
Me: like you said after i told you the shit that's happened to me in my life you said "i never knew that happened to yoU"
Me: becase i don't talk to you about me
Me: and my life
Chelsea: i know, i know, and it is your life you do what you want, i cant sto pyou
Me: thank you
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