Nov 26, 2011 00:55
A: Who do you like and Why?
I'm not really into anyone right now. No one special.
B: Have you ever been in love? If yes, how many times, and how do you know it was love?
I have. Once. I know it was love because it was. He was my everything.
C: Longest relationship you've ever been in, and why did it end?
8 years, because sometimes things just don't work out.
D: Have you ever changed for someone, if yes, how?
I have, but for the better. I stick up for myself more.
E: Pretend I'm you ex, what do you want to say to me?
I love you with all my heart. You are my best friend. I am so glad you're happy. I would do anything and everything for you, but FUCK YOU for breaking my heart.
F: Have you ever been cheated on?
Not that I'm aware of.
G: Have you ever cheated?
H: Would you date someone who's known for cheating, if yes why?
Probably not, but who knows.
I: What's the most important part of a relationship?
Communication, trust, and friendship.
J: Do you like to be in serious relationships or just flings?
Serious relationships, not that flings aren't fun.
K: When you are dating someone do you believe in going on "breaks"?
L: How many people have you ever hooked up with?
M: What's one thing you regret saying or not saying, doing or not doing in a previous relationship?
I regret that I tried for as long as I did.
N: What age do you think is appropriate for kids to start having sex?
Depends on the situation. Anything younger than 15 I feel like might be too young, but even 15-18 is too young.
O: Do you believe in the phrase, "Age is just a number?" Why or why not?
Once again depends on the situation..
P: What about "Love at first sight"? Why or why not?
It's possible.
Q: Turn on's?
Biting, choking, when guys touch my legs.
R: Turn off's?
Too much tongue when making out, noises while making out, socks on during sex.
S: What do you consider a deal breaker?
T: How do you know it's time to end a relationship?
You can usually feel when it's over.
U: Are you currently in a relationship? If yes, for how long? If no, how long have you been single?
I've been single about 3 or 4 months now.
V: Do you think people who have dated can stay friends?
W: Do you think people should date their friends?
You can.
X: How many relationships have you had?
I've only had two serious relationships.
Y: Do you think love can last forever?
Love does last forever it it's real.
Z: Do you believe love can conquer all things?
1: Would you break up with someone your parents didn't approve of?
2: If you could go back in time and give yourself one piece of advice about dating what would it be?
If someone doesn't want to be with you you cannot change that.
3: Do you think long distance relationships can work? Why or why not?
I don't think it's a good idea, but I'm sure there are plenty of successful long-distance relationships, but they're not for me.
4: What do you notice first about another person?
Face, eyes, butt.
5: Do gay, lesbians, bisexuals or transgender people bother you?
Not at all.