Jul 13, 2004 12:27
so work is completely boring and since the office staff is on vacation and people are moving away and stuff they've recruited me to be their temporary office personel. Granted i just go on the net all day... (on an effing MAC!!!) I miss doing what i used to do in SPL. I have to sort Dr. Greeley's ( the professor of geology, and the big boss of everything) emails because he likes things a certain way (a little too anal almost) and i have to delete all of his spam, and collate and staple.. and all that jazz. and his mail has to be sorted, and preopened in four piles... yeah, and that's when he isn't here. So i will be enjoying myself for the next couple of weeks when i am here for 8 hours. but i will be making bank.
So yeah... i suppose that is all for now, gotta get ack to checking other people's emails. ahahhahahah, omg get me out of here.