Jul 12, 2004 20:01
Its been a while since my last update. No reason, just not much to say.
The Bloodhound Gang show at the TLA is in 2 weeks and I think I may have pulled the hottest woman alive to go with me. This is highly uncharacteristic of me, and shes way out of my league, but we'll have fun, cus hey, come on, its the Bloodhound Gang!
Today it rained ALL DAY! Usually when people say that it rained all day, they're exaggerating. No, not me! This shit is for reals, yo! It's been torrential downpour since I've woken up, and keeping 65 gradeschoolers occupied is hard enough when you can go outside and play 4square or capture the flag, but couldnt do that today.
So thats about it. Now back to being an uber-geek, and going to watch Days Of Our Lives that I taped earlier.
piece out