The longest survey evah!

Dec 29, 2005 18:19

Longest Survey Ever -- this is the longest survey you'll ever fill out! Do the world a favor: fill it out and post it for all your friends.... Do this because the person who sent it to you didn't sit here for ages for nothing. Answer all the questions honestly, no lying to avoid stuff.

Time started:
5:42 pm

First Name:

Single or Taken:

I like it. A lot. OH, you mean 'gender'!!!! Female.

Nov. 23 1984

Kathryn (little sister)

Eye color:
Brown with yellow tiger stripes

Shoe size:


Innie or Outie:

What are you wearing right now:
A towel, I just got out of the shower...

Righty or lefty:

Can you make a dollar in change right now:


Who are your closest friends:
Matt, Leah-leah, Mollio, Will, Caleb 49, Caleb Rose.

Do you have a BF or GF?
Nope, and it's sort of nice for once.

Best place to go for a date:
A neato skeeto bookstore that serves good food and great coffee.


Favorite place to shop:
Euphoria and Venus

Favorite kind of pants:
Sadly, anything 'short' from GAP or Old Navy. They just fit SO damn good.

Brown, Mustard, Turquoise, Maroon, and Neon Green.

33, 23, 13, and 7

Naida, a pretty pretty tabby stray that I took in and now adore.

Raspberry schnapps & Vodka, Lost's 50/50 and vodka,

Dancing DOES count, Snowboarding, swimming in any naturally occuring body of water.

Fast-Food Place:
I don't really like fast food.

April, spring and summer start then for me.

Amelie, Fight Club, Frida, and Sin City.

Looza Mango nectar

what the hell??... the middle I suppose

None... I don't eat in the morning.

Favorite cartoon character(s):
Motoko Kusanagi, from Ghost in the Shell
Have you ever

Given anyone a bath:

Of freakin' course...

technically yes.

Made yourself throw-up:
Only to prevent me from overdosing on something.

Gone skinny dipping:

Eaten a hot dog:
In more than one ways!

Put your tongue on a frozen pole:
No, but I used to put my tongue on the metal bracket in my freezer...

Loved someone so much it made you cry?

Broken a bone:

Played truth or dare:
Truth be told, I most certainly have.

Been in a police car:
Only for a very courteous ride home after my car died in the middle of an intersection.

Been on a plane:
Way too many times to count.

Been in a sauna:

been in a hot tub:
At my mom's house recently.

swam in the ocean:
One of the many entertaining activities us from the K-hole indulged ourselves in.

Fallen asleep in school:
Actually never.

Ran away?:

Broken someone's heart:
I know I have.

Cried when someone died:
No... I'm sort of emotionally blocked like that and I don't know why... I want to cry sometimes but I can't.

Cried in school:
Of course.

Fallen off your chair:
Sure, laughter does strange things to your leg and stomach muscles.

Sat by the phone all night waiting for someone to call?:
Certainly, unfortunately it seems that I've been the one who's supposed to call someone else lately.

Saved e-mails?

Fallen for one of your best friends?:
Yes... many a time.

Made out with JUST a friend?:
Of course.

Used someone:
In my eyes, never. In a specific someone else's eyes, always.

Been cheated on?:
Who hasn't been.

What is...

Your good luck charm:
My millefiori ring from Italy.

Best song you ever heard:
Your Hand in Mine by Explosions in the Sky

Stupidest thing you have ever done:
Went to church on a weekly basis, willingly, on my own accord.

What's your room like:
Big and clean for once.

Last thing you said:
OUCH! (the water in my shower was REALLY hot)

What is beside you:
An attention grubbing Naida and a basket of dirty laundry.

Last thing you ate:
Bortch (no joke)

What kind of shampoo do you use?:
Garnier Fructis.

Best thing that has happened to you this year:
I moved away from Alaska (*sob*) As much as I miss it, it was a terribly good thing that I left.

Worst thing that has happened to you this year:
I had my heart broken in the worst way I could ever imagine.
Have you had..

Chicken pox:

Sore Throat:
I have one right now.

On my thigh and my finger.

Broken nose:

Do You

Believe in love at first sight:
Yes, but it takes more than just a glance to determine if they're worthy of your love and vice versa.

Like picnics:
During the summer... But never during the winter... don't ask, it's a long painful story.

Like school:
Of course, I just hate homework. I sort of liked college, but I loved HS... those years were spectacular along with those who spent it with me.
Would you/what is

Eat a live hamster for $1,000,000 dollars:

If you were stuck on an island, what people would you want with you?:
Asia Carrera (the porn star), Explosions in the Sky, Leah, Molly (cause between the three of us we could survive anywhere. ESTROGEN FIRE POW-AH!) and a few cute guys.

Who was the last person that called you:

Who was the last person you slow danced with:

What makes you laugh the most?:
the simplest, most inane things...

What makes you smile?:
See last answer...
Who is the last person

You yelled at:
My mother.

Who broke your heart:

Who told you they loved you:
My dad.

Who is your loudest friend?:
Can I be my own highest decible friend?

Do you/Are You:

Do you like filling these out:
Sort of, gives me something to do, as well as lets others see inside my head and past.

Do you wear glasses or contacts:
glasses, contacts have gotten to be too expensive for me to buy.

Do you like yourself:
All the time and every inch.

Do you get along with your family:
Yes, amazingly. It's my family getting along with the rest of my family that isn't so hot.

Stolen anything over $50:
Once upon a time...

Over certain things, yes.


*pinches her squish with pride* Do YOU think I'm anorexic or ever have been?

Never, not once.

Love Life

Do you have a crush?
Most certainly

If so, do they know?
Yep, I told them.

Have you truly told them how you feel, face to face?

How did they respond?:
casually, I also told them I'm perfectly happy being their friend.

What is so great about them?:
He's terribly cute, smart (VERY SMART), geeky in a very attractive way ( I like the geeks, what can I say) Fun-loving, and witty.

Have you kissed anyone?

Coffee, tea:
Tea, with lots of sugar.

Phone or in person:

Are you oldest, middle, youngest or only child:

Indoor or outdoor:
Indoor during the winter, outdoor during the summer.

Final questions

How many people are you sending this to:
Hopefully a lot read this.

What are you listening to right now?:
Sigur Ros - Vaka

What did you do yesterday:
Veg'ed out on my couch all day.

Where do you want to get married?
Somewhere in Alaska... preferably Girdwood or Kodiak.

If you could change anything about yourself, what would it be?
My confidence... I lack certain confidences, and boast about other strengths.

Are you a good driver?
Of course.

Are you a good Singer:

What do you dream about:
CRAZY ass shit... not like dark or dismal stuff but just incredibly disconnected events. Something you'd probably see in a Hunter S. Thompson movie crossed with Tarantino... That's a horrible movie reference but it's true.

End Time:
6:19 pm Time to go eat at my Mother's.
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