Tonight's the night. Tonight's the night. Tonight's the night. Tonight's the night. Tonight's the night.
Tonight at midnight I come of age. Tonight at midnight my ID will no longer be denied the denial that's earned for so long. Tonight at midnight, I'll be merry and happy. Tonight at midnight... I turn 21.
I'm throwing a huge Thanks-trippin' party at my house on Saturday, it's going to be boss... My house is the perfect party pad, complete with space for crashing. I'm making a list and checking it twice, things to get, things to bring, things to find and things to sing. I'm so fucking glad I've survived this long... Life means so much to me and I'm finally out of my pre-winter funk. I'm blond, I'm having a party, and I'm going to trip fucking balls to forget about the winter... it's going to be great.