(no subject)

Jan 18, 2011 23:54



As the hammer forged her chains, she cried,
"Was I saved, only for the next rapist?"
In the factory, the workers fail
on command; their minds are not to function.

"Was I saved, only for the next rapist!?",
she raged to an unheeding wasteland.
On command, their minds are not to function.
Proletarian sweat dehydrates.

She raged to an unheeding wasteland,
"I am as yet undecapitated!
"Proletarian sweat dehydrates;
"Where is the river that will set me free?"

"I am as yet undecapitated.
"I will sing no love song of a slave!
"Where is the river that will set me free?
"Better to swim than drown in my blood!

"I will sing no love song of a slave!
"Carry me to a clean shore, far away.
"Better to swim, than drown in my blood,
to satisfy a new ancient god's thirst!"


When the sickle cut her throat, you could hear her sing,
in a voice that you can't distinguish from a scream.
1917 saw a new revolution.
The children were superb, star-bright and delicious.

in a voice that you can't distinguish from a scream,
the tanks rolled through the boulevards, bannered in red.
The children were superb, star-bright and delicious,
morsels, red in the teeth of the new workers' state.

The tanks rolled through the boulevards, bannered in red.
How our leader smiles down from the flags like a god.
Morsels, red in the teeth of the new workers' state,
happy and productive to enrich Mother's soil.

How our leader smiles down from the flags like a god,
who remembers the aroma of sacrifice.
Happy and productive to enrich Mother's soil
are the martyrs of the new ancient religion.

Copyright 2011 Bruce V. Bracken

Posted via LiveJournal app for iPhone.
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