fuck fuck fuck

Jul 25, 2006 23:39

so my ipod fucking died on me.  about a week or two ago, it would start skipping during random songs, skipping over random songs, and just all in all being a piece of shit.  and it got to the point where i tried to restore it using the ipod updater thing, which didn't work.  i then tried to format it as a disk, which it froze up during and now won't even do shit on my comptuer.  strangely enough my music is still on it and plays, but still does the whole skipping and shit, and i can't get my computer to even recognize it anymore when it's hooked up.   i'm sick of it, so i'm going to end up buying a new one soon and selling this one to anyone who wants it.  like i said, it sorta works but doesn't, and i know some people out there will take stuff like that knowing they can fix it and buy it right up.  more power to them.  so anyone who wants to buy a "broken" ipod let me know.  also i am going to buy an external harddrive this week so i can store all of my music collection somewhere because my laptop harddrive isn't big enough anymore with all the other shit i have on it.  so yay, there goes about $500 (i'm going to get a 60 gig ipod most likely, and the hard drive is $90 right now).  good thing i'm on co-op and have at least some extra money even though it's not much because i have to pay for school.  fuck it.

ipod, money, angry

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