long time

Jan 15, 2006 20:45

well i've not posted anything on here in quite awhile. so i figured why not. i dunno if anyone even reads this, and it doesn't really matter, just me throwing sutff out there for anyone that cares to read it.

not much has been new lately. most of life is the same old stuff, and now it's just even more of a routine. i started my co-op job the other week. i'm working at http://www.landrum-brown.com up in blue ash working on programming stuff for their gate management system at the moment. it's going okay so far. i'm not doing a great job yet, i'm still getting back into the hang of visual basic .net because it's been a few years since i've worked in it. they know that and they're okay with it, it's just that i think my boss wants me to have this program done real soon and i dunno if i'm gonna be able to get it done by that time. oh well. the job itself is just boring in nature. i sit at a desk in a room by myself, and program stuff all day. which means that about 3/4 of the day i'm sitting there trying to think of what to code and how to code it. blah. anyways, that goes until the end of march, so if anyone wants to they should come out to blue ash and have lunch with me some day and get me away from my desk, because i normally just pack a lunch and eat at my desk rather than go buy lunch every day because i need to save money. so let me know if you want to do that.

after the last quarter of school i began to re-evaluate my decision of going into engineering, and now that i'm out of class for 3 months and doing a job in the field i can think about it more. i've been trying to decide if it's for me, and i'm not sure that it is anymore. i've been looking into other majors and stuff at uc and the only things that i can really see myself switching into and actually enjoying would be something in daap like digital design, or something in ccm like electronic media or something along those lines. but i dunno, if i do that i'll have basically wasted 2 years of my life in engineering. if anyone has any advice for me, please let me know. i need it.

because of working 8.30-5 every day and no classes, i do have a lot of free time which is nice. suffering through the day gives me time to relax afterwards. a lot of my friends are still in classes right now so they all work a lot of the weeknights, so a lot of my weeknights consist of just sitting at home, lounging around, playing some video games and watching a dvd or a little tv. it's pretty nice so far. when my friends are off work it's great to be able to go hang out for most of the night, enjoy myself, and not have to worry about an exam or homework due or shit like that.

not much else is really going on in my life right now. still hangin out with the same people, still no girlfriend/no prospect of a girlfriend. i have met a few new people over the past couple of months, which is fun. i've been hangin out with some people that i'd like to become better friends with lately, which i also really enjoy. and at the same time still spending plenty of time with the rest of my friends, because i have time to spend since i have no classes right now. i really do love my friends. they keep me sane. basically without them i'd probably want to just fall off the planet. it's gotten to that point again where nobody really seems to have any problems with anyone else and everyone gets along again, or at least when i'm around. that makes me happy.

last night playing cards was really fun. we had 10 people playing, and then a couple members of matt's band and the one's girlfriend came over to hang out. it was really fun. i didn't win, but i really don't care. i laughed a lot, mostly at myself being an idiot and making stupid comments like i always do. matt's band members seemed pretty nice/cool, at least they didn't act as emo as they looked. the one kid's girlfriend seemed like she was real nice, just a little shy. i made my efforts to get to know her a little bit, and hopefully they'll come around more and i may have a new friend. and then the rest of the guys that were downstairs having a lan party came up, and then it was just full blown hilarity until i left. good stuff. nights like that make me feel like life is worth something.

anyways, i don't really have much else to say right now, that's the update on my life pretty much. like i said, i'm free every night right now, and i only work saturdays at circuit city, usually in the afternoon. so if anyone ever wants to hang out or grab some food or anything at all, just call me and let me know, i'm more than willing to now that i have some time.

work, school

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