Oct 01, 2015 13:24
Well, it’s October 1st, and I’m tentatively back on other social media. But I’m still not sure I like the role Facebook and Twitter play in my life, so I’m posting these could-have-been status updates here, not there, even as their content is informed by things I came across on Facebook and Twitter. Hmm.
1. MOCKINGJAY 2 TICKETS ARE ON SALE WOOHOO! I have no idea if it’s going to be any good, as the other Hunger Games movies have ranged from very good to mediocre, and I am forever and always a hardcore diehard books fan and will probably be whispering furiously to λ through the whole thing about how they shouldn't have changed that what are they doing, but TICKETS ARE ON SALE LEMME AT ‘EM I ALREADY HAVE A GIGANTIC HONKING BIRD NECKLACE FOR THE OCCASION
2. Today is Julie Andrews’ 80th birthday and my major takeaway right now is that I am a bad fan who REALLY needs to remember when her birthday is because when I saw her trending on Twitter I freaked out completely, terrified that she was dead
3. Lin-Manuel Miranda just tweeted that there is a third, deleted Cabinet rap battle from Hamilton, in which Hamilton, Madison, and Jefferson go at it over slavery, and I NEED THIS YESTERDAY
4. Everyone is all over the Pope for visiting with Kim Davis, posting “He’s dead to me now” and “Never respect this guy again” and so on, and. Like. People. He’s the Pope. That means that by definition, he is Catholic. And that means that, if he upholds his own Church’s teachings, he is going to be super-liberal on certain stuff, like income inequality/poverty and the death penalty, and super-conservative on other stuff, like reproductive issues and women’s rights and, yes, LGBTQ stuff. That is the Catholic package. The trouble has been that in recent years, before Pope Francis, the Church really, really slacked on the income inequality etc. side of things and only focused on the stuff that fits neatly into a Republican party platform. So Francis shows up and he’s legitimately amazing with respect to actually upholding the whole “feed the hungry, shelter the homeless, visit the sick, visit those in prison” side of things -- like the traditional works of mercy and the command to treat “the least of these” as you would treat Jesus is really, truly top priority for him. And people see that and they think, oh, the last Pope was conservative, now this one is liberal! And they somehow expect him to support gay marriage. Guys, “Who am I to judge?” is the absolute best you can ever possibly expect from the Catholic Church, and is so much better than anything I have ever seen from it before. Judging gays is not a priority for him. But just because he’s not passing judgment on whether gays can be close to God doesn’t mean he doesn’t think gay marriage is wrong and a threat to the family, and doesn’t mean he’s not going to stand in solidarity with those who oppose it. I think it’s important to note here that Kim Davis is not one of the people who’s been spewing hate. She’s just a person who didn’t want to give licenses to marry gay people because that’s against her religion, but she got befuddled on what the definition of “conscientious objection” is (hint: it means quitting your job.) And apparently Pope Francis shares her befuddlement over conscientious objection. And he shares her conviction that gay marriage is wrong. Because he’s a Catholic. He is also not going to be tweeting #IStandwithPP in Latin anytime soon, if anyone was wondering. It’s time people stopped expecting him to adhere to the Democrat party line just because he cares about poor people. He’s never going to. No pope ever is going to. Time to accept that Catholics exist, and that the head of the Catholic church is one of them, and then appreciate the hell out of him for all of the good he is doing for the world. Because it’s a lot.
5. Wow, that item was a lot longer than I meant it to be and it probably should have been its own post. And now I am out.