Sep 09, 2015 18:11
1. CVS is currently displaying Halloween items... and also Christmas ornaments. What is happening why is happening
2. However, they also have at least three cards specifically for same-sex weddings, which is new since I last looked. So that made me happy. Maybe they finally figured out they needed them when gay marriage became Officially Legal Everywhere No Really 4 Srs Now?
2a. There are no same-sex anniversary cards, which made me roll my eyes for a minute until I remembered that anniversary cards for one's spouse tend to be written in first-person and "I" is not a gendered word.
2b. Are there languages in which "I" is gendered? Interesting question. I'm glad I don't have to buy cards in one.
3. The 5:55 Needham Heights train is chronically delayed lately and I Do Not Like It, mostly because if the T can't get its shit together when it's 95 degrees out, I shudder to think what the winter will bring.
4. These are the sorts of things that would really be better posted on Twitter. Sorry, LJ.
5. Another thing that would be better posted to Twitter, and better still not posted at all: I was in Target over the weekend and they were selling posters of Anna and Elsa with the caption "An act of love will thaw a freezing heart." You know, from the hit movie, Freezing. I am Frozen trash and could not rest until I told somebody this.
6. Happy Wednesday.
odds 'n' ends