Note to Ann Common

Jun 19, 2011 02:19

On the LA Times re: Gay judge wasn’t required to remove himself from same-sex marriage case, U.S. judge rules

A commenter named Ann Common said: “What we hate is sexual perversion.”

This is my response:

And now the truth is revealed! You are a hater. It may interest you to know that Victorian modes and culture [should have] died with Queen Victoria, the Hannover Queen. Wrapping yourself in a time-bubble will not change that.

I am not gay but I am a product of the 60′s, when my generation rejected puritan rules and the senseless taboos of the prohibitionistas who were in power at that time. Remember the California Communes?

"Signs, signs, everywhere there’re signs. blocking up the scenery, blowing my mind. Don’t do this or that, can’t you read the signs?"

Perversion is in the eye of the beholder, or not, as the case may be. Some think that a woman simply showing her face in public is a perversion. They even think that it causes earthquakes.

I am perfectly willing to let you believe in whatever you want but it is un-American to let you impose those beliefs on everyone else. We are NOT a Christian country, we are a Secular one, as evidenced by the First Amendment to the Constitution, and I reject the Religious Right, with fervor!

I relegate your Christian God to the same dark pit with the Muslim Allah; may they fondle each other forever, while humans get on with the business of humans, without their interference. I reject your rules that judge what is perversion and I reject your values as being un-American!

Families are supposed to love and support each other. Rejecting and oppressing such families simply because of your warped sense of perversion is the hallmark of a religiously repressive regime and not that of a free country. The only thing that we should be intolerant of is intolerance.

BTW, I have probably been a Republican longer than you’ve been alive and I reject the Religious Right/Moral Majority of Buchannan, Ford, and Quayle.

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repugnicans, us, civil rights, polyticks, us gov, secularism

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