Islamic Council of India denies Muslim burial for terrorists!

Dec 04, 2008 14:31

I have long advocated that Muslims become more vocal against their extremists. Following the attacks in Mumbai, in an unprecedented and rare move, The Muslim Council of India refuses to bury the perpetrators on Islamic soil.

Hanif Nalkhande, a spokesman for the trust 1 , said: "People who committed this heinous crime cannot be called Muslim. Islam does not permit this sort of barbaric crime."

Let us all hope that this becomes a movement among the various Islamic Councils and I’d love to see it become a standard policy among them. These extremists are promising that these sorts of perpetrators become heroes of Islam, with acclaim and wealth paid to their families. If they were denounced and disowned, a lot of this stuff would reduce drastically because they’d have fewer recruits.

Remember, it wasn’t until the Church began to denounce them that the IRA began to lose recruits and members. The same will be true for the Muslims. Martyrdom is their strongest attraction, that and payments to the surviving families. Without the complacency of the Imams and Councils, we would see a lot less of this sort of thing. It is the responsibility of the various Islamic Councils to not aid and abet these sorts of activities and in fact, they should condemn them. I’ve been saying that for years.

  1. The influential Muslim Jama Masjid Trust, which runs the 3ha Badakabrastan graveyard. [ ]
Originally posted on The Slamlander:
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islam, polyticks, terrorism, religion

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