Psychosis (from the
Greek ψυχή "psyche", for mind or soul, and -οσις "-osis", for abnormal condition), with adjective psychotic, literally means abnormal condition of the mind, and is a generic
psychiatric term for a mental state often described as involving a "loss of contact with
reality". People suffering from psychosis are said to be psychotic
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I am highly cheezed-off that they passed Proposition 8, in California. It is a clear case of majority tyranny and I hope that it gets shot down in the courts. The culprits are the Christian Religious Right.
By my recent posts, you know that I am deeply disturbed and divided by the problems in Gaza, problems made worse by religious whackos ... on both sides!
I still grieve for Theo Van Gogh, killed by a Islamic radical, under the guise of a Fatwa issued by an Islamic cleric (Imam).
I sympathise with Salman Rushdie, who fears for his life because of outstanding Fatwas (death judgements) against his life. Issued by the Ayatollah of Iran.
An innocent young girl, killed in an "honor killing" by her cousin, for simply going to university and daring to fall in love. Her cousin was released, unscathed and without charges.
The unrest in Paris, caused by Islamic radicals.
Lebanon, finally pulling its way out of chaos, destabilized by Hizbollah, who started a war with Israel to destroy Lebanon's hopes for the future.
Maybe the USSR had it correct and we should ban all religions.
But that's only the reasons for my frustration and anger. The hateful and intolerant not-christian "christian" right, the intolerant musilm right, the orthodox Judaic right, and even the Hindu right. In this sea of moral rechtitude, all believing that they know what is correct for the rest of us and ALL of them use fear as a weapon of their beliefs, to dictate our behavior and beliefs.
In my anger and frustration I lashed out and I should not have done that and I apologise heartily. I am sorry if I had brought you pain and I wish that I had not done that.
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