Talk about Pulitzerization and contrived thinking ...

Oct 17, 2006 08:22

The Sun seems to be 'dimming'!

Back in the day (late 60's early 70's), this was already reported and was called the harbinger of a new Ice Age. Climatologists, at that time, were making many predictions along these lines. Of course, the human race wasn't nearly conceited enough to think that they could do anything about it. At that time, fears were properly driven to avoidance of the worst effects, rather than trying to stem the (inevitable) tide.

Comparing Israeli sunlight records from the 1950s with current ones, Dr Stanhill was astonished to find a large fall in solar radiation.
"There was a staggering 22% drop in the sunlight, and that really amazed me." Intrigued, he searched records from all around the world, and found the same story almost everywhere he looked.
Sunlight was falling by 10% over the USA, nearly 30% in parts of the former Soviet Union, and even by 16% in parts of the British Isles.

There is a lot of review with possible justification blaming particulate matter pollution for this effect. However, again they jump quickly and without justification to blaming the whole thing on our poor civilization. Haven't these so-called scientists ever heard of volcanoes? What next, are they going to blame the whole thing on the flight of a single 747? Oh, I get it, our entire climate rests on the wings of a Monarch Butterfly.
If so, then this is bad news, according to Dr Peter Cox, one of the world's leading climate modellers.
As things stand, CO2 levels are projected to rise strongly over coming decades, whereas there are encouraging signs that particle pollution is at last being brought under control.
"We're going to be in a situation unless we act where the cooling pollutant is dropping off while the warming pollutant is going up.
"That means we'll get reducing cooling and increased heating at the same time and that's a problem for us," says Dr Cox.
Even the most pessimistic forecasts of global warming may now have to be drastically revised upwards.
That means a temperature rise of 10 degrees Celsius by 2100 could be on the cards, giving the UK a climate like that of North Africa, and rendering many parts of the world uninhabitable.

Of course, the real nail in the coffin for this argument, and why this Cox dude can't be taken seriously, is this "That means a temperature rise of 10 degrees Celsius by 2100 could be on the cards" This is utter bullshit! During the worst of the Ice Ages and all the way into the hottest time on our planet's history (Late Permian Era) the mean global temperature never varied by more than 3-4C, that is a matter of record, a record that one could expect a climate modeler to be familiar with. I would not put it past this gerbil to fudge numbers that don't look right to him, regardless of their connection to reality.

It is these sorts of bombastic statements that under-pins the entire Global Warming argument, just as these sorts of non-scientific statements made the threat of the coming Ice Age panic millions in the 70's.

  1. Yes, we have been in a natural Global Warming trend since the 1890's, when the mini-ice age ended.

  2. No, we don't know when it's going to stop.

  3. No, we can't do a damned thing about it. Don't even hope that we can. Might as well try and stop Summer from happening.

  4. Oh and a following return to a new Ice Age is as inevitable as Winter and it is also a natural pattern.

  5. No, we can't do a damned thing about that either.

climate, global warming, polyticks

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