I have serious trouble feeling sorry for these guys

Sep 01, 2006 22:23

The Palestinians are facing horrible pressure but at the same time, don't they deserve it?

They elected Hamas into their government freely and knowing full well what the Hamas charter included. Okay, Israel and the rest of the world had concerns and were not going to accept Hamas' goal of pushing Israel back into the Med Sea. For sure, Israel wasn't going to go quietly into that dark night. The goal is unrealistic and insane. Nevertheless, they refuse to back off of it. Israel, not being completely stupid, refuses to accept a long-term truce, which would let Hamas build up enough war power in peace to eventually achieve it's stated goal against Israel.

However, what gives the lie to Hamas' diplomatic words is the fact that ever since Israel voluntarily and unilaterally left Gaza, some low-life putzes have been firing rockets into Israel. Hamas claims that they can't control the assholes. This is obviously bullshit because the never even tried. A real try at control is to declare them anathema and anyone firring rockets without permission are traitors. Like Lebanon has done. Basically, the world has not seen what Hamas has told, if anything, those jokers firing the rockets into Israel for months. Then they have the brass to capture two Israeli soldier and offer them up for ransom.

Now, do they return the soldiers? No.
Do they tell their rogue militants to lay off? No.
Are their rogue militants really Hamas in disguise? Possibly.
Will they give up in their unacceptable goals? No.
Do a majority of Palestinians still support Hamas? Yes.
Is Gaza going to continue to get pounded until the rockets stop? There is a good chance of that.

Palestinians seem to forget that the Israelis have faced genocide before and can recognize it when they see it again. The Hamas' chartered goals means nothing short of genocide for the state and people of Israel. Hamas needs to learn that Israel is not going to cooperate with those goals and they need to realize that the rest of the world considers those goals repugnant and unacceptable.

polyticks, palestine

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