Jan 12, 2025 19:19
Wazzupppp foooo!
Yo. Sorry. Logistical challenges. Just don't have power, wifi and a desk that handy hahaha.
But man. It's been a dense several days. Solid progress. Cleaning house. Training. Sauna almost every day for 30-60 minutes. I'm back on the Blackhawk training regimen. Dude...I got into the best shape of my life. Just a smidge under 180 pounds. Four pack flirting beyond it's landlocked quadrants...
Coming up.
I thought about it today...I'm a bit insulted that I don't have full control of my body. A six pack should not be a big deal Warren. Not for a warrior monk like you.
So yea. Angry fasting commences hahaha.
Oh man. Cola has been lovely. It's amazing.
It's heavenly really.
For both of us. And we know it.
ZzZzz so tired~