There is something screwy happening on LiveJournal

Sep 18, 2010 03:27

There is something screwy happening on LiveJournal.  Tuesday someone left a comment on one of my public posts that did not make sense in the context of the post.  So I went to the commenter’s LJ account to see who they were.  I found an account that was new, with no entries, no friends, no interests, and about 70 comments.  It was odd but not a concern to me.

The next day I was reading someone else's LJ and I noticed the same exact comment on one of their entries but by a different LJ user. Again the comment did not go with the subject of the entry to which it was posted.  Both comments were signed by the same handle but from different LJ accounts. This commenter’s LJ was new, had no entries, no friends, no interests, had about 70 comments, and used the same LJ layout. This made me curious so I did a general search at using the handle that was signed to both comments as the key word and found about 3200 comments all signed by the same handle.  They were made by many different LJ users and generally about 1-2 minutes apart. I started randomly checking the comments. I checked over 25 accounts and they all had no entries, no friends, no interests, made about 70 comments, and had the same LJ layout (which I assume is the default when you sign up for a new account).

At this point I reported this to TPTB at LJ.  The comments left were not offensive; it just didn't make sense for the entries they were posted to.  Something just didn’t seem right.

Over the next couple of days I found comments/accounts that fit the same pattern.  I wasn't trying to find them.  They were everywhere it seemed.  Now my curiosity was peaked and a researching I went.  Each of the comments was signed by one of the following handles:







I included a link to the search for each handle for those out there that want to check for themselves.  (After clicking the link, hit the search button again so that the result list contains the most recent comments.)  I checked all the comments on pages 1, 4, and 10 of the output for each handle. I was looking for what comments were used over and over.

Here is what I found:




Erm, actually...with his last breath, Severus said But? I still adore this song! I never believed Sev was a Death Eater, not for one second. He is a wonderful, dynamic character. Snape was an integral part of saving the wizarding world =) WE LOVE YOU, SEV!!


Same, when he was explaining why he was still a Death Eater in book 6, I was thinking, Bullshit, I never gave up on him for a second, even though my friend was like, Face it, he s evil, he explained it all. I was like #"Nope, I refuse to believe that he s betrayed Dumbledore, she laughed at me and said I was stupid, than we brought the last book, we both read it all in one night, we met up the next day, and you can t believe how? stupid she looked, than who was laughing huh, lol


i? completely agree. i luv severus.


Same! *cries*?


Whats the cd called?? I need this song on my Ipod!





<3 Just thinking about? his death brings tears to my eyes. If anyone deserved a happy ending, he did. R.I.P.





When I see his story on the movie screen I will be a waterfall of? tears. Love Sev! <3





@mallk10 Maybe for most people, I was always on Snape s side. I was kinda upset when he killed Dumbledore, yes, but I was determined to believe that Snape was right, and that? J.K. Rowling wouldn t have Snape be a bad guy. She created to much depth and concern for the character to do least, to me. Severus had the most upsetting death death, but I truly cried when his memories proved to everyone that he *was* always good. Wow, sorry about the length...didn t expect that... ^_^ (TWSS)





Albus Severus, you were known for two headmasters at Hogwarts. One of? them was a Slytherin and he was probably the bravest man I ever knew. <3


@mallk10 Maybe for most people, I was always on Snape s side. I was kinda upset when he killed Dumbledore, yes, but I was determined to believe that Snape was right, and that? J.K. Rowling wouldn t have Snape be a bad guy. She created to much depth and concern for the character to do least, to me. Severus had the most upsetting death death, but I truly cried when his memories proved to everyone that he *was* always good. Wow, sorry about the length...didn t expect that... ^_^ (TWSS)



*The last comment on mallk10 is actually signed ChristianBrinsxox but has @mallk10 at the beginning so it comes up in both searches.


When ever i hear this, I cry, Im so sad of what happened to him in DH. He was an amazing person! And i cry when Harry talks about him in the epilouge. LONG LIVE SEVERUS!!! xD?


Hehehe yeah, me and my mum were both convinced Snape wasn t evil. The flicker? of hate in his eyes? Dumbledore never said Please, Severus, no , he only said Severus, please . All the evidence was there.

ministry of? magic. they ve got a CD out. other than that idk.


hahha this is funny. i have to admit though the american accent makes me cringe a little bit. if you just made? it sound a little less ditzy and valleygirlish it would sound a million times better;) not that it really matters lol <3

Is that Emma Duke with you? If it is, my school is like right next to mine. I almost screamed when I saw her the other day. I was just like; Its that girl? from youtube! My friends thought I was creepy :)

Nah I totally respect the HP series for all its originality. It is a very unique, well written and imaginative world. I read a lot of different books but the depth and complexity that Steven Eriskon brings to his characters and world is amazing, you would find yourself crying? for characters by the second book. It has one of the thickest plot lines ever. Its by far a more complicated read then HP, but then maybe you dont like that. Ah well talk about being narrow minded, give it a try :).


yea negative my comments all you want,? Steven Erikson owns Harry Potter completely with his series, you kids couldnt handle such a heavy read.


Now here is the next weird thing I found.  When using the copy and paste functions to copy each comment above, when I pasted it, there was the visible comment followed by a bunch of gibberish that was not visible in the comment.  It happened on everyone I copied.  I went back and checked other comments.  Every single one I checked has the visible comment then a part that can not be viewed in the comment until copied and then pasted into a plain text document.  For example for the reoccurring comment:

Albus Severus, you were known for two headmasters at Hogwarts. One of? them was a Slytherin and he was probably the bravest man I ever knew. <3


Then I copied and pasted it and this is what I got:

Albus Severus, you were known for two headmasters at Hogwarts. One of? them was a Slytherin and he was probably the bravest man I ever knew. <3


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And on another one I got this:

Albus Severus, you were known for two headmasters at Hogwarts. One of? them was a Slytherin and he was probably the bravest man I ever knew. <3


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In both you could only see the first part in the LJ comment. When I tried to paste the comment into a Microsoft Word Document all that showed was this:


As I already said, I have notified TPTB at LJ about this.  If anyone else has more to add to this please comment and I will pass the info along.


edit 9/19/2010 - added info to above post about severusislove and Naroutolover
edit 10/19/2010 - added info to above post about alwayspureblood


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