Well, we got the house. We're moving back home, ok not quite, but it feels homey there more so than it ever has out in beerpark, I can't believe someone actually put that down on an envelope and sent to the parents, last time I checked B and D don't look all that similar. I'm quite glad to be moving soon even if I do have to share a bedroom and bath again. *sigh*
It's going to be kind of hard moving at the end of the month when we're back in school, work, etc. My mom's working three jobs this semester until her term at that school she loathes ends in March. Despite her three jobs, we're apparently poor again. My sibs, mom and I had to pull all our money together to buy dinner last night. Not surprisingly my bro has the most money, I don't get it, he doesn't work so his money's just b-day/holiday cash but everyone's always borrowing from him yet he never runs out. Things are always tight like this at the beginning of a semester, for some odd reason. Plus, my dad's been out of work for a few days, so once he gets caught up, everything starts rolling again. We're not super poor like we used to be but my mom's just been going on and on about money lately, and I listen quietly like the good daughter I am but it has driven me a little nuts as of late. I have to poke fun at her three jobs but no money self to ease everything up a bit.
The real downer though is there's no extra money to fix the Lincoln unti next month. The car's still driveable but it can be temperamental, I've never had any real problems but it's cut off on my dad at the stoplight before. I don't want to chance if I'm going to have a bit of a commute. Which means I have to take the van to school *sob* It's so big and hard to park, also it completely ruins my cool, carefree eigthteen year old look, lolz.
There's no money for schoolbooks either. College books have got to be the biggest rip-off though. My mom used to order her grad school books from other places to get them cheaper, but I can't find mine. Plus, I need big heavy textbooks, not novels. Science and math alone is over three hundred dollars! All together the books cost more money than I've paid on this semester tuition so far. My mom's teaching 1302 which uses the same book as my 1304 class so I can at least borrow hers, I'll just cover up the instructor sign and there you go. And we barely used the book in history last semester, I have the same professor so I can pretty much use my old book as it goes up to recent times. At least I can cut costs somewhere.
I noticed that there was an article right on the main page of Yahoo about k-dramas, well mainly just Goong which I've never seen, but it seems Hallyu really is spreading. I just found that interesting. Occasionally I still get those Hallyu commercials stuck in my head even though they finally stopped playing them back in September.
In more me-related events, I am feeling quite a bit better about my darned moviequote!fic. It seems to be coming along now. Hopefully. I'll have it done by Friday that way I can have it betaed and not have to worry too much about it once school starts up again next week although I probably will anyway. I'm worried that oddfantasy!Ron's brain wanders a bit too much. We'll see, I guess, how it goes.