Aug 08, 2004 03:40 are trying to do something better, not only because you know it'll be good for you, but also because you know someone who's opinion you care a lot about wants you to do better as well.... and you try... and your reward is a scoff and disdain and a general "you failed" "no, it's wrong" "I don't like it" attitude.
Very discouraging.
And you don't even know if they realized you were trying... but after that reaction you certainly aren't going to say you were. If that's what you get when you try... how awful, how terrible must you be at it normally?
It lends to a feeling of...... if I'm this bad, why even try?
Why bother? Why bring the disdain upon yourself? Why not just continue to live up to the standard of dissapointment set up for you already? There's no emotional investment in apathy.