Jan 24, 2005 07:18
Hey everyone, yes, I know it's been a while since I updated, but I haven't really found a GOOD topic to write about in a while. Anyway, I just heard on the radio news that Current embryonic stem cell lines are useless due to contamination. Why is this a sad day for science? Because our head Village idiot, George W. Bush, signed an executive order back in 2000 making any new stem cell research illegal. All I have to say is, I HOPE YOU RELIGEOUS NUTJOBS ARE HAPPY! What next, you'll make real medicine illegal and priests will begin drilling holes in people's skulls when they get sick to release the "demons"? You people piss me off to no end. You won't give our scientists access to a branch of reasearch that could spell an end to diseases such as Diabetes, Alz Eimers, as well as cure the need for organ transplants. I'd like to think should I need an organ in the future the doctors could just grow me a new heart, or liver, or whatever and stick in me. That way I won't have to be on anti-rejection medication for the rest of my life and live in mortal fear of getting a paper cut and dying of infection. Thanks alot ASSHOLES!
I still CANNOT understand why you fuckers are so adamant about this either. The embryonic stem cells the scientists are using are from aborted fetuses IF WE DIDN'T USE THEM THEY WOULD BE DISCARDED ANYWAY YOU DUMB FUCKS! Are you afraid of an entire human being getting cloned thus ruining your perfect God created fantasy world the bible depicts? Or are you just TRYING to piss me off? Seriously, the next time one of you religeous whack-os preaches to me while I'm at school I will smack you, not because you're preaching to me or anyone else. It's because you're fucking annoying, you have every right to stand out like a damn fool in the middle of a college campus and talk about how we're all "Doomed" and how we should "repent", what you DON"T have every right to is disturb my education which I paid good money for!
Something else that pisses me off about you wankers, the next time one of you crams that Tim LaHaye and Jerry Jenkins "Rapture" bullshit down my throat I'm just going to say "I guess when God takes all you beleivers the intellectual folks like me will be like "HOORAY! ALL THE IDIOTS ARE GONE!"
Want to discuss this with me some more...send your hatemail to mrevil666@cox.net