berlin, russia and latvia recap

Sep 05, 2008 13:06

I just returned from another long trip. I think I have been out of India more than in it this year. I had a wonderful 2 weeks in Berlin. I just fall in love with the city more and more each time I go. I really really want to move there. We know so many people already and it sort of feels like home each time I go. I felt this way about SF when I first visited there when I was 10. I knew that someday I would live there and of course I did.  So I hope the same happens with Berlin.

My grandmother met me in Berlin and I gave her a quick 3 day introduction to the city I hope is home someday. She also loved it and is ready for us to buy an apartment there, so she can come visit more often.

After a few days there with Granny we headed off to Russia for our tour. It was great that we did a tour - Russia is not an easy place to travel. No one speaks English, there is no concept of a service industry or helping lost tourists and it's massive!  We did our touristy things in Moscow, then headed to Pscov a town on the border of Estonia and then ended up the trip in St Petersburg. I loved St Petersburg despite the freezing cold rainy weather. It also happened to be our tour guides home town, so that probably made a big difference as well.  The short recap - Kremlin, Red Square, cathedrals out the wazoo, boat ride on the canals of STP, ballet, coussak show, bowling in a small village town and fun times with granny and 14 new friends.

After our tour ended, Granny and I took the overnight train to Riga (Latvia) to see my friend Sylvia who used to live in Mumbai. She was the most excellent host ever! Our room was fantastic with roses on the bedside table, water and glasses and even 3 guidebooks to choose from!  She cooked breakfast each day and gave us presents when we left!! It really was a grand finale to our trip.

Back to Berlin for a night and then home.  I was ready to get home.. mostly because I missed Paul and the kitties. But really I think I could do without India for a while... I say that, but it does feel like coming home. My limited hindi kicks right in and it feels like I wasn't even away.

I have a million photos to post which I will get to soon enough I hope.
Anything happen in the last month that I should be aware of?!


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