Mar 18, 2008 09:04
in one week, i will be in SF! can't decide what my first food will be... buritto or nachos :)
i'm trying to find something to wear to this wedding in LA. It's at 4 pm, in a park and we will be playing lawn bowling. so to me, that seems to say that i shouldn't wear one of those short ( way too short for my 'conservative' self) dresses. I'm thinking pants and some nice springy blouse?? any thoughts on this? i know most everyone will wear a skirt or dress, but i'm afraid i will be cold anyhow coming from India.
and then wedding gifts... i can either go from the registry which is boring regular stuff or try to find some cool indian art or knick knacks.
only a few days left though... i need to get myself well organized before the weekend. Saturday is Holi - the fun water/color throwing holiday and then Sunday is Paul's bday aka Easter. So i imagine I will have no time this weekend to do anything but have fun.
anyone have the Mac TimeCapsule? We are looking to buy the 1 TB one. Sounds like a great way to bridge our mac and pc's and get rid of the fifty million external drives around here. but why is it so cheap - 500 USD for 1 TB of space is pretty cheap when here a 500 GB drive is 300 USD!
i guess that is it. looking forward to sf. do i need to bring an umbrella? is it rainy season? is it cold? will i need a jacket?