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libby_rust March 4 2009, 05:46:30 UTC
Oh, don't worry, sweetheart. I've only just now started to get the courage to post in my own journal again, but like...I have too much stuff to talk about and I'm like...REALLY lazy, LOL. I think I'm more tired and stressed out than lazy, though. But yeah.

Oh yeah...apparently I'll be in New Orleans for about a week starting the 14th (not my idea but better than the two alternatives -_-;), and then sometime two weeks after that, I'll be getting an exploratory surgery to figure out whether the 4-inch ovarian cyst the doctors found is cancerous or not. It's not likely to be cancerous given my age, but family history has me a little worried. Like I said, my crazy ass mother had an eight pound tumor and a bunch of smaller ones, so they just removed her whole reproductive system. My grandmother and great-grandmother both had ovarian cancer, and my great-grandmother died from it. O.o

If it turns out it's more than just a cyst they need to drain, they'll likely give me a hysterectomy the same day. FUN. I really wanted to just go ahead and call up DVIS or whoever and get the fuck away from my whack-job family, but ya know...one thing at a time. >_<;; Arg. Oh well. At least my health is being taken care of! o.O

Bah...I should just go ahead and start typing up an entry instead of spamming your journal with updates on the retarded way my life is progressing ATM. ;) Hope you're faring better than me, though! Luffs j00! <3


slai March 4 2009, 16:43:59 UTC
Hi Libby,

Whoa o-O! I hope the surgery goes well and your cyst is not cancerous! I hope you'll be okay ;(!

If you do get a chance to explore New Orleans though, you definitely should! I love the beignets, poboys, etc.!

Good luck ♥!


libby_rust March 5 2009, 02:05:45 UTC
LOL. Yer speakin' to a part Cajun sweetie, I've been to N'awlin's a number of times. :D We used to drive down there all the time. I really miss being able to eat beignets. :( I also miss king cake...SIGH.

On the plus side, hopefully I'll be able to see the riverwalk and aquarium again, though. I really miss the aquarium and zoo they have. :3

I'll prolly be fine as far as the surgery goes. In a weird kind of way, I almost hope it is cancerous, 'cause then they'll just take everything out. I have NO use for my uterus, dammit. -_-

Good luck to you, too, and danke, sweetie! Hope you have an awesome week and stuff. :3


slai March 5 2009, 16:28:23 UTC
Hi Libby,

LOL. Yer speakin' to a part Cajun sweetie, I've been to N'awlin's a number of times. :D

Lucky gal ;)! I love New Orleans yummies! Have you been there after Katrina though? I have no idea what it looks like now, and I was only there once!

I still hope the cyst isn't cancerous though ♥!


libby_rust March 5 2009, 22:42:56 UTC
"Lucky gal ;)! I love New Orleans yummies!"

Me too! I can still eat divinity, though. :D Hopefully they'll get my IBS stuff cleared up and I can go back to eating normal stuff again. ^_^ I imagine getting this menstrual crap taken care of will help a LOT, because the two are inter-related.

The ob/gyn said she thought I might have endometriosis, which is why I've been in so much pain. They prescribed me some weird, off the wall, super-expensive NSAID that's specifically for menstrual cramps from hell, but it's not working very well, either. -_-;; It works better than naproxin, though. It's called Ponstel, for those who wish to know. I'm also on Yaz now, too. I need to call her back and ask her if she said that she wanted me to take it non-stop or to go the four days in between packets, 'cause I don't remember, LOL.

Dr. Harris (the ob/gyn) said they might do that surgery where they burn off the lining of the uterus...man, that'd be awesome. NO MORE PERIODS!! :D

"Have you been there after Katrina though? I have no idea what it looks like now, and I was only there once!"

My mom was and she took a bunch of pictures...if you've seen the TV show Invasion, that's about what it looked like. Just like, in a city setting instead of a more rural one. I'm personally kind of afraid to go back there now, New Orleans was bad enough before the hurricane, I can't imagine how scary it is now. O.o;

"I still hope the cyst isn't cancerous though ♥!"

Agreed! Which is why I said I almost hoped it was cancerous so they'd take everything out. Cancer is bad news no matter how you slice it. Blerg. -_-;;


slai March 6 2009, 00:04:52 UTC
Hi Libby,

Wow, now that's a lot of medication/DRUGS o-O! I hope you don't get any side-effects from them!

Sigh, being period-less sounds like a dream 8}! My OB/GYN doctor did suggest I get my uterus scraped because of my extra heavy periods, but I took a pass on that suggestion! She said the lining would grow back if it were just scraped, so what's the point ;P?

Make sure you report back here when the procedure is done, so I know how you're doing though ♥!


libby_rust March 6 2009, 00:52:02 UTC
"Wow, now that's a lot of medication/DRUGS o-O! I hope you don't get any side-effects from them!"

Tell me about it. -_-;; That isn't even all of them. :( The Yaz has me a little worried, because I'm already on a bunch of stuff that can cause circulatory system problems, and I've been getting heart flutters with it. I'm going to be calling the doctor about that, too. It might just be a temporary thing that happens when you first start the medicine. That's what happened with Celexa, but of course, I want to be sure.

"Sigh, being period-less sounds like a dream 8}! My OB/GYN doctor did suggest I get my uterus scraped because of my extra heavy periods, but I took a pass on that suggestion! She said the lining would grow back if it were just scraped, so what's the point ;P?"

Huh. From what I understand, it's not supposed to grow back - that's the whole point. o.O It also greatly lowers your risk of pregnancy. Even if an egg cell gets fertilized, it still has to attach to the lining of the uterus to grow into an embryo. No lining, no embryo - the fertilized egg gets flushed out. :D

"Make sure you report back here when the procedure is done, so I know how you're doing though ♥!"

Oh, sure thing, I still need to go update my journal, too. LOL. Thank you for caring, sweetie - it makes me feel better. :)


slai March 6 2009, 23:43:00 UTC
Hi Libby,

Heart fluttering is a side-effect o~O?! That definitely doesn't sound right! Yes, definitely check that out! Anything heart or chest related needs to be taken care of PRONTO!

My OB/GYN doctor just wanted to scrape my uterus with a metal spatula/shoehorn or something, so the tissue would grow back in time. It sounds like your doctor wants to laser burn off the tissues in your uterus, so I doubt the lining would be able to grow back after that. She said she would have sedated me for the procedure for comfort sake, but I still passed on that ;b.

Good luck again, and I hope everything goes smoothly ♥!


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