kurisuu posted this on her LJ:
Ben & Jerry, please PLEASE don't listen to PETA's plea! When my sister was here for the funeral, she told me some 'interesting' tales from her ER duties in NYC.
You know all the male enhancement advertisements state that if you have an erection lasting for more than 4 hours, you should get immediate medical help, right? My sister ran into one of those --;. The guy was in pain for like 4+ hours and didn't seek help until way past the limit. What's the cure you say? My sister had to poke his penis and drain the blood in it to relieve the pressure. She drained 1 LITER of blood from his enlarged erect penis o~O! He was SO relieved when she did. I can't believe it didn't POP like a balloon or something ;b!
In another case, a woman comes in because she has this large cyst somewhere on her body. I can't remember where. Anyway, the cyst was hurting her for YEARS until the pain finally got to her. When my sister cuts it open, she finds a 4 FOOT LONG INGROWN HAIR inside 86! The woman asked my sister if she could KEEP it too, so my sister puts the BLECH 4' hair into a plastic baggy to take home XP!
Now the super secret Jeopardy!-like meme which I got from
kwsapphire! Here are my answers! There are several LJ friends among the answer, but can you guess what I'm answering?
- Jen/CrzyD/crzydemona
- Kris who is off-LJ and THE Jill/jillthepill for someone on LJ
- No one.
- Judith/honeyedbiscuit
- I never thought of anyone like this. Besides, online is different than offline.
- dibei-chan
- All those that I thought they were say they weren't ;b! I guess time changes everything.
- I want you all 8}, but I think it would be THE Jill/jillthepill
- McKenzie/nidarichards, Lisa/taeha, or Keys/tweedlekeys
- theamazingk, Rana/chibitoaster, Kristy/cornrelish, Jen/CrzyD/crzydemona, karine, Tanet/kaiouelios, purrsia, Ren-Geek/white-n-nerdee, Chandra/rous, and Nick/teppanyaki, but only because they know ;). I hope I didn't miss anyone ^^;! I would also add THE Jill/jillthepill, rayinte, and Cindy/cinsangel too though.
- I can honestly say no one I know of because I haven't read of many in any.
- Jen/CrzyD/crzydemona, karine, and Kelly/kwsapphire
- Aimee/aimeekitty and Jen/CrzyD/crzydemona
- Aimee/aimeekitty, Kari/dovefeather, Justin/enfarcer, Mike/hmtriplecrown, and Chuck/sport6449
- Either Justin/enfarcer or Chuck/sport6449 XD!
- theamazingk
- Katie/smarbaby, but only because of her drawings!
- Aimee/aimeekitty and Kari/dovefeather, but only because they have the right accessories ;)!
- karine
- Steph/bonegoddes and Kelly/kwsapphire
- I have no idea what this means =/. It's not even on Google!
- I have no idea what this means =/. It's not even on Google!
- My Dad, literally and figuratively ;b!
- I de-friended all of them >8D!
- Jen/CrzyD/crzydemona, Laura/just-laura, and mooncatx!
- Are you kidding? With what ;P?!
- Judith/honeyedbiscuit and THE Jill/jillthepill.
- Patrick/patrickat, but only because I've never seen him do it live XD!
- No one really, but only because I don't ;b!
- I really wanted to include everyone in my answers ;(. I'm sorry if anyone feels left out. I love you all ♥!
Here are the rules to the super secret meme: You only get to know the questions if you ask. I will send them to you through LJ messaging, and then you have to re-post this meme in your own journal.
For those who already know the questions, you guys have an unfair advantage ;b!