I hope you get plenty of cake, ice cream, and presents all around! Any birthday wishes? If so, please post here ;)! I only ask because I'm CLUELESS 8(! HELP!
It looks like the writers' strike is over 8D! I'm happy to hear that the writers got a pretty decent deal and that, of course, new shows will be on the way. I'm a bit sad though that the late shows will be getting their writers back because, frankly, I did enjoy many of the late night talk shows that were writer-less, especially Conan O'Brien! I really think I was more entertained by the impromptu format for the writer-less late night talk shows than I ever was when the writers were there o-O! Sure, I missed Triumph the Insult Comic Dog and the usual staples, but the filler writer-less stuff was really entertaining! O'Brien has been a HOOT during his writer-less strike shows. I loved GERMAN DISCO LIGHT SHOW, the ring spins, O'Brien directing his own camera angles, the later joint fight over Mike Huckabee's success with Jon Stewart and Stephen Colbert, and zip line where O'Brien got revenge for Lincoln's assassination X)! I was really impressed by the filler for all the writer-less shows. Of course, on the other hand, it would make for a 'good' excuse for the producers to fire all the writers for those shows too, which would not be a good thing --;.
Also, I have a couple of shameless reminders ^^;. If you haven't already,
PLEASE sign the petition to get an official Thundercats CD soundtrack! Yes, the petition is getting SPAMMED by someone in Kiev, but luckily, or unluckily, his SPAM posts don't count ;b! I'm still looking for at least 1000 signatures which might encourage a small soundtrack producer to release a limited edition soundtrack.
If I can get the soundtrack for Chuck Norris' Invasion U.S.A. and Jaws 3D, why not the Thundercats? Seriously, are there even collectors out there drooling at the soundtrack for Chuck Norris' Invasion U.S.A.?
I'm still looking for help recording GSN on a daily basis, and I'm willing to pay 50% or more of your bill to do so! Yes, I'm desperate --;!