Is it sad that I scored 14 points on this quiz about my old adviser from 15 years ago? Sorry I haven't been posting much lately. I'm still working on a long entry and having writer's block in places plus a habit for procrastination.
Other than that, I've been spending the last few days arguing negotiating with FYE, the owners of Suncoast and Sam Goody, over some missing rebates. I'm missing one $7.00 rebate because FYE labeled 2 separate rebates with the same tracking number, and they are refusing to give it to me even though I sent in the paperwork on time. I think I'm headed for any ugly ending there and for the sake of one $7.00 rebate --;. There goes another store off my list.
I've also been catching up on some manga reading. I'm finally all caught up in Iron Wok Jan!, Case Closed, and Fullmetal Alchemist at least ;b. I'm currently reading my pile of
Harlequin Pink Ginger Blossom Manga which I recently discovered at Borders.
For some reason, Dark Horse and Harlequin aren't offering them via Previews or the comic book and manga channels in hopes of attracting a different audience. Yeah, I know they're fluff shoujo one-shot titles printed in flirty BLECH pink that makes my eyes scream ala the old phonebook mangas that print in various colors besides black, but I like fluff ^^;. The revamped Harlequin Pink Manga line is a lot better than their previous attempt which I had also bought and read. The story pacing is too fast for my taste, but I guess if you want to finish a story in one book, it has to be so plus it's much easier than trying to remember a storyline over 2-6 months since the last issue.
As I'm reading through the pile, I wonder if my crap soap shoujo story could be qualified to become a Harlequin Pink manga? The stories sound just as sappy, crappy, and improbable as mine, so why not XD? Now, if I can just get Harlequin to publish it, I'll be set Xb!