Aug 10, 2006 22:29
D'OH >XP! I didn't hear about the terrorist threat news until this evening! This is what happens when you spend most of the evening checking tape dubs and haven't checked the newspapers within the last few days. I'm usually a few days behind on my newspaper skimming. As soon as I heard the news though while watching the 10:00 p.m. local broadcast, I turned on my slow computer and logged in to check on Broadhurst. He was vacationing IN England until Aug 8th. He e-mailed me while I was in Cleveland to tell me that he would be coming to my sister's wedding and had to e-mail his confirmation to me since he was out of the country and couldn't mail back the reply card. The terrorist threat news was a little too close for comfort --;. I fingered his accounts, and he last logged in an hour ago, so I assume he's safe. I sent an e-mail though just to make sure ;b, but I suspect he won't get it until he logs back in tomorrow. I'm SO relieved he's okay somewhere O~O.