May 17, 2006 18:03

This has been a LONG delayed entry. I didn't want to post a few things here until a couple of packages reached their destinations since what I post might have spoiled the surprise. Now that they're finally there safely, I can post!

These past few days have been filled with interjections!

First SQUEE, ACK, and WHOA! 2 Saturdays ago, it was Free Comic Book Day across the nation, and in celebration, Shinder's asked Transformers artist extraordinaire, Don Figueroa, to do signings at 2 of their stores. I hit the one in Roseville near me. I was afraid Roseville's Shinder's would be packed with Transformers fans, so I got there around 10:30 a.m., an hour before Don's scheduled signing at 11:30 a.m.. To my surprise though, Shinder's was pretty bleak O~O! I haven't been to Shinder's in ages since my sister stopped collecting basketball cards and since the Pokémon card supply there has dropped. Shinder's is considered to be the Twin Cities' area largest comic book chain store, so I always thought business there would be booming, but I guess not that day and not that early in the morning. Everything was just being setup when I got there including the Free Comic Book table, the signing table, and Radio Disney’s booth. I don’t know if Shinder’s invited Radio Disney or not, but for some reason, they were setting up a table next to Shinder’s with prizes for kids who played their games.

Shinder’s had laid out a few bags of free comics for everyone to take along with 2 extra displayed on the shelf. I thought they had meant I could only take a maximum of 2 of each other free comic book title, but they meant only 2 extra comics in addition to the ones in the bag. Oops --;! Shinder’s free comic book bag each had a copy of the new Owly comic by Andy Runton, a copy of last year's Gemstone's free Uncle $crooge comic of Carl Barks' classic Only a Poor Old Man, Marvel's Runaways free comic, and one other title which I can't remember at the moment O~O! After learning I could only pick out 2 more, I chose the free Aspen comic and Amelia Rules. Since I had a LOT of time to kill, I browsed through Shinder's and picked up a couple of science magazines to buy as well as a variant cover to Zoom Suit by Bill Tucci. I spent the rest of the time reading Owly and Amelia Rules while waiting. Shinder's also had free Oreo cookies and watered down Kool Aid for everyone too. I took one cookie and 2 cups of watered down Kool Aid after.

Since Kristin/kurisuu worked there, I wondered if I would FINALLY meet her in the flesh o-O! We somehow missed each other at MicroCon this year despite the fact that we were both there for most of the day XP! It just goes to show that one can get lost at MicroCon XD! From Jessica's/wogs' LJ, I knew what Kristin looked like at least ^^;, so this time, I wouldn't miss her! Lo and behold, I FINALLY saw and met Kristin face-to-face 8D! Yay, now I have another geek to geek with maybe at the comic conventions around here! We had a nice chat about LJ, MN stuff, comics, etc.! I think I hogged a lot of her time at the register, unfortunately, so we had to keep the conversation short XP!

I went back out to reading comics and watching Shinder's set up Don's table of comics and toys for sale, from and by the store, and Megatron cut-outs. Since I've never seen Don before, I tried guessing who he was. At first I thought it was this tall guy who was doing most of the setup, but I think that guy was from Shinder's =/. It was only when Don seated himself behind the table that I figured out what he looked like Xb! At this point, Radio Disney had fully setup their table and were blasting kiddie pop music throughout the strip mall, attracting a lot of kids and families to the area. Sadly, I think that was the ONLY means by which Shinder's was attracting any traffic toward their area --;. Including myself, there were only 3 total diehard Transformers fans waiting eagerly for Don to sign comics. I was the LEAST geekiest out of the bunch since I only brought IDW's new Beast Wars series Don did for signing. The other 2 Transformers fans brought ALL their Don comics, including the ones he did for Dreamwave when it was still alive. Unfortunately for me, that bunch is in my unorganized pile of comics, so I couldn't find them easily. I think I need a 2-month vacation to organize ALL my comics into nice boxes.

Since traffic was surprisingly slow, I asked Don if he could do a sketch for me! I asked him for Optimus Prime, and in no time, he did a quick head sketch of Optimus for me! I also asked him to sign my comics, and I got 2 free posters Don, or Shinder's, had as well! I know at least 4 other diehard Transformers fans, so I also asked Don if he could sign 8 more posters for me Xb! Because there were only 3 of us diehard fans, Don graciously and generously induldged us with our requests. Afterward, I went back into Shinder's to buy plastic protective sleeves for the posters, so I could mail them out later nicely. If the place was overwhelmed by people, that would have been it, but in the back of my mind, I wanted to ask Don if he could do 4 more sketches for me for my friends ^^;. I asked Kristin and another Shinder's person about it, and they told me I should just ask. I felt EXTREMELY guilty and rude in asking, so I asked them first to see if it would be okay just to ask XP. Yes, I do regularly ask people if I should ask someone else about something because I'm pathetic! After the area around Don emptied a bit more, I asked Don if he would do 4 more sketches for me. I also added that if he didn't want to do so, he could just say, "No," and I would be okay with it. He was a bit shocked at first and felt somewhat tiresome, but he obliged me anyway o-O! I told him he could take his time and only sketch when no one else was around asking him for autographs. I think in about 10-15 minutes, Don drew 4 more sketches of Optimus and Megatron for me, one of which I accidentally smudged since I didn't let the paint marker dry before I tried putting the comic backboard sketch into the bag X(! Only his block signature was smudged though, and I really didn't want to ask him to replace that with ANOTHER sketch. I would keep that one for myself, but it was of Megatron, and I like Optimus ;_;!

While Don was sketching, somehow the subject of Family Feud and Richard Dawson popped into our conversation o-O! I think it was because of the screaming kids over at the Radio Disney booth XP! Anyway, Don wondered what happened to Dawson, and I told him he's basically living out of the public eye with his Family Feud contestant wife. It's good to be a game show geek XD! When Don came back from his break, I wanted to thank him for indulging my greedy request. I promised him none of them would ever show up on eBay, but he said he didn't mind if they did Xb! Still, I wanted him to know they were going to friends. Shinder's had setup a little donation box for Don on his table since Don had drove ALL the way up to MN just because Shinder's ASKED him to come for this event o-O! I gave Don ALL the cash I had on hand, which was around $36.00 I think. I wish I had more to give, but the only other things in my wallet were my credit cards. I had stayed at Shinder's for 2.5 hours total, and I didn't want to 'stalk' Don longer than necessary. I left, and sadly, I forgot to say goodbye to Kristin, which I didn't realize until I was already driving off in my car, ACK 8(! I thought about going back, but I didn't want to scare Don with my returned presence! Sorry, Kristin! PLEASE FORGIVE ME ;_;!

I drove off to my regular comic book haunt, Source just a couple miles away. WHOA, Source was PACKED to the gills with PEOPLE! It was standing-room-only inside, unlike the almost empty Shinder's o-o! In the backroom, Source handed out Free Comic Book Day bags filled with 10-15 comics book EACH along with free fountain pop, chocolate cake, and other snacks! There also had several local comic book artists set up tables to do signings and art as well. I saw Matt Wendt and Becky Grutzik from PEEP again as well, and they remembered me and my sketch commission request from MicroCon XD! They were also giving everyone a 20% discount on EVERYTHING in the store basically. Officially, they said it was for comic book items only, but all the Source people were telling everyone that if you could convince them the item was comic related, they would give you the discount anyway ;b! In my bag of free goodies, Source saved me all the free comic titles they got along with a Free Comic Book Day action figure of Coloniel Jack O'Neil from Stargate: SG-1! Yes, the Source ♥LOVES♥ me X)! I was a bit surprised later to find that Owly wasn't inside though, so I was glad I did get a copy of that at Shinder's. The only 'sad' part of my visit was that I couldn't really participate in the 20% off sale Source had. I already bought my week's comics, totaling ~$200.00, on Thursday, ACK! I've missed 2 other of Source's 20% off weekend special sales because of that too --;! The line to the cashiers were VERY long, so I was somewhat happy I didn't have to wait through that. I tried to see if I could find Nick for a talk, but he was busy buzzing everywhere. After waiting and trying to wander around as best as I can for an hour or so, I left. Chandra/rous said she was there, but I never saw her inside the sardine packed Source.

Like I said before, I sent out 2 of the posters and sketch sets out, and I have 2 more left to send. I'm still waiting for a reply from one person about his address, but I think he's probably away on some covert mission =/. The other will be for a birthday present later this year >8D, and I doubt that person reads my LJ!

For D'OH, I was supposed to remember on Friday at 10:00 a.m. to try fruitlessly to call Ticketmaster to see if I could get any tickets to the already-almost-sold-out Wicked musical coming here in the summer. I say already-almost-sold-out because the first round of tickets went to whole season buyers. Supposedly, there were a few left, and I TOTALLY FORGOT! I didn't remember until around 5:00 p.m. Friday evening, so when I called, Ticketmaster said they were ALL SOLD OUT. There weren't any SINGLE seats left whatsoever O~O! Wicked, Avenue Q, and Spamalot are the only new musicals I'm interested in seeing, and I missed my chance for Wicked ;_;! I hope they come back, like Les Miserables and Phantom of the Opera has done on their tours, but I guess we'll see --;.

Also for D'OH, I was all set to try out my new PDA I had bought at Office Depot when I learned that my sister has a 3 year old Sony one she's not using anymore. She said I could have it, so free beats out shelling out $100.00 for a new one. I returned my new PDA 3 hours later to Office Depot. If I really hate her old PDA though, I'm buying the new one again ;b!

For OH MY GOSH, the very next day, I receive a mystery package from Bern(ie) Hoffer, composer for Rankin/Bass' animated shows during the late 80s (Thundercats, Silverhawks, and The Comic Strip). He had asked me earlier in the week who my favorite Thundercat, was and said he wanted to send me something =/. I had e-mailed him a couple of weeks ago about the atrocious job Warner did for the Thundercats featurette, The Music of Thundera. Bern(ie) told me it wasn't Warner's fault since they outsourced the making of those extras to New Wave Entertainment. I have since then sent an e-mail to New Wave telling them almost EXACTLY how I felt about their featurette. The harshest thing I wrote was somewhere along the lines of, "total waste of space," and I tried being constructive with my criticism toward them. Anyway, I told Bern(ie) that my favorite Thundercat was Cheetara since she was the only adult female Thundercat, plus the theme he composed for her was the one I loved the best out of all the cues he composed for the show. It perfectly illustrated speed through music, I thought. I admit, I already had my suspicions on what he would send me, but I didn't voice them out loud to anyone, plus I thought it would be a bit too much. My suspicions were 100% correct though o-O! Bern(ie) sent me via certified mail a PERFECT cel of Cheetara running O-O! I was flabbergasted that he DID actually send me what I thought he was going to send, especially considering the value of these things (~$500.00 is the going rate on eBay). The cel includes the painted background as well as a background layer cel of some trees too, but I don't know if it's matching. I'll see if I can post it later though X)! Bern(ie) included a short note for me saying, "Sonia - This is an original cel from the Tcats shoots. Take good care of it! Bernie." I was so excited and extremely touched! I sent him a thank you e-mail, and he said he had found a box of Thundercats cels while rummaging recently. Just as former sound engineer, Don Giovinello, told me, at the end of the series, they dumped boxes of cels for people who worked on the show to rummage through and take before throwing the rest away --;! I told Bern(ie) I will definitely treasure his gift forever, or as long as I'm alive.

For BLECH, on Mother's Day, the family, sans my sister and her boyfriend/fiancé, went to the newly opened Jun Bo restaurant in Richfield, close to the Megamall and Mandarin Kitchen. My sister/The Kid had read in the Star Tribune that it had opened recently in the old Chi-Chi's restaurant. They specialized in dim sum and other Chinese dishes inside a restaurant that can supposedly fit 1000 people o-o! Since Mom loves dim sum, we thought we would give it a try. Boy, were we in for a BLECH surprise XP! The place was CROWDED with a LONG waiting list. I didn't expect a restaurant that could seat 1000 people to be packed, but then I looked inside. They were only using about 10% of their entire space while the rest is just storage for now. One room was entirely devoted to parties of 10 or more, so that room was pretty empty XP! It took us 45 minutes to get a table even though there were plenty of empty tables. They were very understaffed with servers who could barely understand either English or Chinese even though they were Asian. Tables took a LONG time to be cleaned after a party leaves hence the long wait --;. Everything was just pure chaos! Sadly, it was NOT worth the wait! The food was a bit too sweet for our tastes, including the salty dishes, and everything just seemed 'okay.' The cart people ignored us when we wanted their attention to get dishes. After we had our fill and paid the check, the cart people gave us too much attention and readily offered their wares O~O! Sheesh! I think Mom wants to go to My Le Hoa soon to try out their new dim sum buffet oion mentioned to make up for this fiasco.

Finally, for AUGH, I've been stuck in a mire of computer problems and new software worries for the past 2 weeks --;! There's a catch-22 problem I need to figure out, which I thought I had solved over the weekend. I was wrong, AUGH X(! It's back to the old drawing board for me --;.

I'll be surprised if anyone survives this entry in one piece ;b!

game shows, food, cels, art, comics, autographs

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