Oy! The last few days have been a bit hectic for me. I'm currently SICK with something which I think I caught at
MicroCon Sunday. The weather was cold and rainy. I gobbled an ENTIRE roll of
Daily-C to try to combat my sore throat to no avail. Right now, I'm gulping
Airborne fizzy tablets in water every 3 hours. Each Airborne fizzy tablet contains 1670% of my daily vitamin C intake, so I somewhat feel better after drinking a BLECH tasting cup full of dissolved fizzy Airborne. I haven't gotten sick all winter, and I get sick now? It's not fair 8(!
Yesterday, I played chauffeur for Dad and took him to the eye doctor because he was afraid of driving back afterward with his pupils dilated. Today, I've been running back and forth between 5 computers trying to install and fix software XP! I want to go home!