Jan 24, 2005 21:28
I just thought as I needed a rant I might as well come on livejournal - coz thet's wot they're 4 int it?
I'm jus pissed of coz every1 cms 2 take everythin the wrong way wit me atm, & some people jus cm 2 jump @ the chance of havin a go @ me. Plus others say 1 fing 2 me in lessons wen dere's no1 2 listen in, & then summink completely different online, which makes no sense coz they aint playin up 2 ne1.
I'm well annoyed also coz there's a guy I really like & i think he's flirtin back & ppl sed that he was, but he's got a gf, that i found out 2day he's been wit 4 a month & it's not fair! It's like all those school-kid crushes u had wen u were little put 2geva & everytime I look @ him I've got an insane urge 2 kiss him, but i can't have him! I'm very confused but I dunno wot 2 do - I can't ask him coz I'm scared of rejection, but I couldn't split them up coz everytime I formulate a plan I remember how lovely L... his gf is & I don't wanna upset her coz she was lovely wen we used 2 siz on the grass & talk about utter shite! But it's just not fair coz I WANT HIM SSSSSOOOOOOOOOOOO BAD!!!!!! - He's got gorgeous nipples 2!
Y can't life go my way 4 a change? I mean my love life? I can't really complain about the rest of it coz I'M GOING 2 C GREENDAY NEXT SAT -THE 5th OF FEB!!!!!!!!!!!
But hey, i am meetin up wit andy soon, & I don't fink he's a bird so... sahll I settle for second best? I ask ne1 readin this, huever u r... shall I?
Oh, & Tree, if you read this.... please don't do wot I suspect u of doin which is set me up wit a certain m8 of urs coz believe me, it aint gunna work, I'll explain another time...