Dec 01, 2005 21:23
Yes, yes. . .you read that correctly. . .in my overnight camping trip in the ice and snow and deep penetrating cold and bright piercing sun (though we were told we were lucky to have such great weather. . .and they weren't kidding) I found myself cuddling close to and sharing a sleeping bag with my new girlfriend. . .it is only for this adventure, but so far it has worked out nicely. She kept me warm all night and I stopped her from freezing. If you feel a Nalgene up with very very hot water. . .it will successfully keep you warm in the harsh conditions out here, they call the water bottle when used in this method the "Antarctic Girlfriend". Actually a great night of sleep even with wind gusts chilling the air to far past freezing temps.
For all single men that I count among my friends. . .I share with you some great knowledge. While they won't keep you as warm as a Nalgene full of boiling water tucked into the sleeping bag, New Zealand women are beautiful and kind and say amazing things that just make you want to kiss them. Such was my experience on the South Island. Here in Antarctica. . .well you learn to tell if someone is attractive based on their cheeks, nose, and lips. . .because that tends to be the only exposed area on the body. Pretty fun game to play though to pass the time.
Still no penguin sightings. . .but I did pick up some gifts for folks and spotted the Skua. . .which is a large brown/grey furry bird similar to a seagull, but much more aggressive and beautiful. They are pretty wild and they dive bomb in a similar manner to the way that pack dogs attack. They surround a person then the dive bomb comes from behind. . .tricky little devils, they are. If you would like to see a picture of one. . .one of the scientists that I'm working with has a running blog,, I think is the proper link. Don't post any inappropiate comments. I will soon be changing my blog for this trip onto another site that is easier to use and quicker as far as loading pictures goes. The computers and phones here are incredibly overtaxed and are pretty damn slow when you actually do get a proper connection so it is easier for me to have a fully uploadable system.
Today we basically learned how to use all the field equipment that we'll be in charge of deploying on the lakes. I'm officially in charge of hazardous wastes for our group. . .just another reason I should have written that will, eh? We leave for our first lake on Saturday. . .or your Friday since i'm a day ahead of you. . .which just means I'll be home a day sooner. . .and it will be the same day I leave, exciting, no? Time travel. . .
Sorry this was less than entertaining. . .it has been quite a few days. . .I'll be in touch in a more personal way as soon as I get a chance, I promise. I love you guys. . .and miss you all