Hunter S Thompson: Crazy. Mother. Fucker.

Feb 21, 2005 09:04

Hunter S Thompson fatally shot himself late Sunday night at his compound in Colorado in an apparent suicide. This is my humble tribute to the man who popularized a unique form of fictional journalism and gave a name and voice to the disenfranchised counter culture. The man could write about everything and come across as not only credible but uniquely knowledgable, a quality that I aspire to duplicate. He wrote about music, movies, sports, politics, drugs, sex, and guns. . .wrote The Rum Diary and Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas. He gave a new angle in which society and politics could be viewed, his fictional journalism reflected reality and propelled the idea of a writer as character into the mainstream.

How did such a surly bastard make it to mainstream american entertainment. . .one reason: he was damn good at what he did.

Faretheewell you crazy son of a bitch. . .fare thee very well indeed
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