ive decided to become racist

Apr 23, 2004 17:46

ive decided to become racist. i dont know to who though. i have to pick one. but so many to choose from, and which is the most deserving race (not that merit or justice has anything to do with it)? alright alright...ummmaybe the one with the best sounding racial slur...so definitely not wops, kikes, spics, chinks, or dinks. because that sounds all to abrasive. i could choose indians (injuns) because that sounds good and funny, but we already know i dont like them. umm, how about mexicans (wetbacks)? but i like them, mostly. theyre nice and jolly...they have a good slur, though. i like the way nigger just rolls off the tongue, but it's too overplayed, so they're still on my goodside. is french a race? i think i might pick the french. its more of a nationality, but they have a good slur- frogs..."now thats funny, i dont care who you are", to quote boomer. yeah, so i guess ill pick the stupid ole frenchies- those garbage eating, high horse sitting, yawn swallowing, butt hugging, mice walking, juice drinking frogs.
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