Nov 18, 2005 01:08
So I've decided, it's time to let Slade Kazen Miral Quickleaf Die. I'm currently working on a Story behind it, sort of a "The Life Of Slade" type thing, it's basically a historical account of his life written by him to his Son and decendants. I'm going to introduce his Decendant Sladentroa Fenris Quickleaf, his great great grandson who will come across the story of Slade, the story also tells of where Slade hid his beloved longsword Slade's Faith, and most of the time Sladentroa will be hunting the enchanted blade... Basically Sladentroa (Sladen for short, I'm so unoriginal now :P) will be somewhat like Slade, but younger, more Human, the elven blood almost being bred out of his family with the withdrawl of the elven nations in the world in which my story takes place. His Full name is Sladentroa Fenris Jahnsford(A Human name issued on him, but with the discovery of the accounts of Slade, he proudly takes up his old family name). I've been working on some artwork of Sladentroa, trying to get the Original Slade look out of him, make him look.. well.. original, it's going good now.
So I've reactivated my FFXI account, and began rebuilding my old Linkshell, in the process I've destroyed another Linkshell called Thesith because nearly all their good members were DuelKnights, and when I came back they came back to me MUWAHAHAHAHAHA. Hit lvl 57 today, got my Warlock's Tabard on Wednesday, as well as the weapon skill Spirits Within, man what an awesome weaponskill! Anyway, I work 32 hours this weekend, Friday, Saturday, and Sunday I work noon to Midnight... so no hanging out at all this weekend.
I'll be back on the WoW Monday. Man... 6 more days and I'm gone... -sighs- Oh well.. no snow in Calgary yet so :P SUCKAHS!