May 30, 2004 23:40
Okay, I'm going to make this an official Rant, I'm going to turn off comments, and then I will be pissed off if someone were to comment on this in their own Journal.
Okay here it goes, Each person has a life, and each life differs from person to person. I've commented on someone's life without seeing it through their Point of View, I apologize for this, But the same person commented on my life without having my point of view. Now usually I don't care what other's think, but when it involves my Girlfriend and what her and I do together, be it spending much quality time together, making the whoopie, or me sitting here helping her through FFXI it shouldn't matter to the other person. I don't recall ridiculing how him and his significan other spend their time, and if I did I apologize. But I'm certain I didn't.
Now as for my Situation at home, Yes, I hate it here, Yes there are too many Cats, Yes there are too Many People, Yes this house is litterally and physically and figurativly making me sicker and sicker. It's my life though, I'm doing as much as I can to change it, I'm hoping to move out this summer, I'm not sure if that'll happen but I'm trying. It's hard to find a place to live with a spicific price and area. I want to live in this area of town, close to work and more importantly close to Quest. Finding an apartment here that's affordable is difficult especially with my grand schemes, and yes I plan big, thats a fault, but I'm intitled to some faults, I'm Human after all.
So let me be the first to Aplogize for critizing Your lives by trying to see it through my own life, I cannot possibly understand, Nor I think, could I care.
To finish up, about hanging out with my friends, sometimes I just don't want to hang out, when I say "No thanks" or whatever don't hound me about it, it means I want to spend time alone and relax or play games or whatever. I don't care what you think about me for that. When you ask me to hang out after I said I was sick and have been home from work and school, because contrary to belief I still work even when slightly ill, but when I call in its either because it feels like my brain is on fire, or I'm sick to my fucking Stomach. So Don't hound on me to hang out when I'm sick, I just want to stay home. I'll go out and hang with my friends when I want to, I'm sure thats how everyone else feels, I mean who wants to hang out with people when they don't want to? they Don't. So lets leave it at that, when I say No, I mean No and would not like to explain it.
I think I'm through Now. That ends Erin's First Official Rant.