Jul 09, 2008 05:59
Here’s a little one for the books. On Monday, I bought new shoes for work. As some may be aware, most bars come equipped with rubber mats for behind the bar. They serve a couple of purposes. First, glasses are less likely to break when dropped. There’s no guarantee that glass won’t shatter everywhere, but there is a chance that stemware will bounce instead with the mats in place. But the primary reason for there existence is to cushion the bartenders joints from the constant impact of standing, walking, running, or dancing around behind the bar. At Giusti’s the mats are probably thirty years old. It hasn’t occurred to anyone that rubber wears out. Just like tires on an old truck, the benefits have deteriorated. Sure, it’s better than nothing, but that’s not saying much. Flip-flop are better than going barefoot, but if your looking for support, it’s not too much better.
Hence, the new shoes on Monday. I get a new pair for work probably every other month. And I’m not buying $15 shoes. Anywhere from $50-$100 depending on what I can or cannot get on sale. This time, I was able to find some New Balance “trail shoes” for about $55 in Roseville at the Famous Footwear in the mall. Trail shoes, are what I figured where running shoes for trails, or I figured not concrete. Shoes for dirt, etc. Calling them running/hiking shoes. Light-weight hiking boots, if you will. For some reason, back in the recesses of my mind, I figured hiking shoes as something supportive, that would have good traction. I was half right. Great support. I wore them to work yesterday to try them out.
Walking into the kitchen at the restaurant, which is made from linoleum, I noticed a little slippage under foot, but didn’t think too much of it. These shoes were very comfortable, and great behind the bar and all around the bar for that matter, which also as a linoleum floor, but far more worn than the new kitchen flooring. Having not opened yet, and being a tad peckish, I decided to cook myself an omelet. As you know, one must beat the eggs into a batter, which I did in the new kitchen. After completing this step, I turned to walk towards the cooking area of the kitchen. Before I knew what was going on, whoosh! I was sliding across the floor, took out the chopping block. Of course the raw omelet batter had flown out of my hands, the meat the lemons, the tomatoes, and knives that had been sitting atop the chopping block had all fallen to the floor. Giusti’s, being a hundred year old building, tilts in certain areas. Thus, all of this food stuff spread more rapidly than would be usual. The cook, Sammy, turned to help me, and proceeded to slip in my egg mix, and landed right on top of me.
Moral: Trail shoes are for trails. Not linoleum. It’ll cost me $20 in gas to return these kicks. But the memories and lesson: priceless.