May 22, 2008 06:20
This week has been a rough one.
The other day I had begun a story about my adventures in Crockett, CA at a rock show headlined by The Foxboro Hot Tubs (aka Green Day), but there has been other business to attend to.
Lesley has recently joined a van pool to get to work. They meet at 4:00 am. Which means the alarm goes off a 3:00 am. Which means I've awakened at 3:00 am. Plus, the other day, her car broke down which means I've been awakened, stirred, and driving before 4:00 am.
I've been tired.
And now, she may need a new car. But we already have plane tickets to Spain for our Honeymoon. And who can afford to buy a new car? The restaurant's been slower lately, what with price of gas and all.
It'll all work out. One way or another.
So tired.