From Twitter 04-28-2011

Apr 29, 2011 03:04

  • 00:39:07: I've changed my avatar YET again. I went back to Ren since there was confusion about my Creeper. I think I like the change.
  • 08:30:42: Good morning Twitter!It's a lovely Thursday morning for me and I wouldn't be against gifts of breakfast sandiwches and/or burritos.Thank you
  • 11:00:58: Pandora for the iPhone is twitchy. If the app isn't remixing the song with some jumps and scratches, it just drops it like it's hot.
  • 11:03:49: If you've read my tweets, you'll know I'm in no position to police other people's grammar & sentence structure #twittergrammarpolice #badcop
  • 11:06:36: So since I lived to see the year 2000, does that mean the next big one will be 3000? Can't wait for THAT party #wheniam1021
  • 11:10:02: Ever say a series of fairly big words (for you) and realize "holy shitballs, that all made sense! How in the f*ck did THAT happen?!"
  • 11:14:18: I could never use Twitter to make major life decisions. Mostly because I couldn't really get a strong idea from four or five people.
  • 11:15:57: Example: I'm in my early 30s, thinking of getting my first tattoo on my arm in a rainbow of colors. What do you say? Too old or Go for it?
  • 11:17:41: I'm no @ kungfupussy but I think I'll wait until I get back from lunch to see what the good word is on my first tattoo.
  • 11:20:51: Why do we seem so determined to make our computers and robots smarter? It's like you WANT the robot uprising.
  • 12:20:34: The Little Mermaid WHAT?! *groans* -
  • 12:24:47: Back from lunch and as I assumed, three people responded to my tattoo question (thanks @kungfupussy, @ fantagor & @ryankresse) SO…[1of2]
  • 12:27:22: [2of2] polling twitter's no good for me on major choices AND it's a trick question.The only answer is "You don't have the $$ for a tattoo!"
  • 13:13:41: I think the only time people use the word "trouser" any more is when it precedes "snake"
  • 13:16:26: I know Naruto is supposed to be an annoying kid but can't his actions speak louder than his obnoxious voice. Heard it a few second…DONE!
  • 15:40:03: Just got the strongest urge for orange chicken. Good thing I'll probably be having the furthest thing from that when I get home.
  • 16:45:49: Think venting about your problems on twitter helps them or only fans the flames? I'm either stomping these out or starting an inferno.
  • 17:16:30: I'm a situational prude. Depending on the situation, i can think everything is highly inappropriate.
  • 22:36:46: I've got thought but like usual they're more like squiggles of red and black string caught in a projector lens. Dance squiggle! DANCE!
  • 22:45:44: Been sitting here in silence listening to the music in my head for 20 mins. I'd go hit mute, but all there is to look forward to is tomorrow
  • 22:48:27: Considering seeing a therapist to see if they can cure me of myself. What is Inigo, you ask? Well, it's dark, it's blue and should have a d
  • 22:49:40: hmm, I actually think my avatar is quite fitting now considering my last tweets were insane ramblings and Ren is artificially happy. PERFECT
  • 22:51:38: Next time I want to complain about something,I should remember someone somewhere has it a lot harder than me. But there's Viagra for that
  • 22:53:58: All this insane talk reminded me that it's nearly time to take my pill. My throat is a bit sore, but fortunately it's a suppository.
  • 22:56:20: I've said it before and I'll say it again. "The"
  • 22:57:23: British comedies can be confusing at the best of times, but watching one on mute takes it to a whole new level.
  • 22:58:14: I find I'm at my funniest when I'm being an asshole, which is GREAT since a lot of you have it coming
  • 23:00:05: They say "Sarcasm is the recourse of a weak mind" to which I reply, "You're a weak mind!" Oh yeah, I went there.
  • 23:02:14: I wonder if some part of me realized what I was doing when I set my phone alarm to start quacking when it is time to take my crazy pill?
  • 23:05:48: How were the TV geniuses able to make Curb Your Enthusiasm into a show you can play late at night on basic television? A funbotomy?
  • 23:08:05: I'd hate to be the small animal that wrongly crosses in front of the oncoming Flintstones car.
  • 23:12:22: If I keep tweeting long enough & often enough, eventually someone will reply. Of course, I expect that response to be "SHUT THE $*@# UP!"
  • 23:16:56: When you watch cartoons with the sound off, you notice they blink a lot. You also notice, why has the sound been off all of this time?!
  • 23:18:48: It's not technically Friday but you should #FF @ jane_bot if you enjoy a constant humor. Unless you're a prude, then she might be funnier.
  • 23:20:54: We'll just pretend I did that last #FF correctly and ignore that, in the process of making it fit, I neglected to remove the unneeded "a"
  • 23:29:11: Must be nearly midnight.The tide of twitter has slowed & now all you get is all me,all of the time.ALL ME!ALL OF THE TIME!You poor bastards.
  • 23:32:49: It's true, each time you smoke a cigarette you're one day closer to death. But the same can be said for a brisk walk on a sunny day in LA
  • 23:34:11: The funniest thing about my pill alarm is, when it goes off I'm briefly amused by my pocket quacking, but then quickly forget to take them.
  • 23:34:23: Wait, that wasn't funny at all!
  • 23:39:57: I love observational humor, as you can see
  • 23:43:47: RT @jane_bot: Being hormonal means feeling an urge to kick a puppy but resisting because you know the same hormones would make you cry a ...
  • 23:45:48: I've missed this. Staying up later than I want to worrying for nothing. Being concerned for no reason.This Royal Wedding will be my undoing
  • 23:50:49: My door rattled and for a brief moment I think my night is done, but unfortunately it was the stupid wind bringing in more snow. Stupid wind
  • 23:54:49: The busy 911 call lady is acting the hell out of this commercial!
  • 23:55:38: If you don't see me tweeting by 8AM MST tomorrow, just wait longer #trufax
  • 23:57:01: Stress makes me want to smoke. Smoking makes me want to puke. The idea of puking stresses me out. So clearly I should just take up drinking.

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