May 13, 2004 23:05
The one thing I love about running is that I have time to collect all my thoughts and think about things.
I thought about where I was, and how in two weeks I'll be returning to a familiar place. My mom and I were talking about Manalapan today, while we were washing our cars, and I felt homesick for the first time in a long while. Not the longing that I usually feel, but a warm fuzzy homesick. Not a depressing one, but a plesant one. Made me kinda look back at the first eighteen years of my life and smile.
So I got to thinkin on my run. After twenty one years, I'm living in Florida, one year away from graduation, parents splitting up after 24 years, one sister in Philly, the other in Cali, and not sure where my life was headed.
And all I did was smirk.
While I never imagined life like this, I have not once regretted any decisions that I have made. For what we choose should not be regretted, but embraced. Regret only those that we never took the chance on. Regret for missed opportunity, not for the path that was taken. If we never try, then we will never know. Don't regret what we know, what has been done, for that is when regrets become worthless.
"Remember the past with gratitude
Look to the future with confidence
Live the presant with enthusiasm"
-- I love you Faccia Bella...thanks for being there when I needed you most. I felt you touch me today, when the sun was beating down on me. Thank you for all you have given me. Hope.