mmmmm Sherry's

Feb 01, 2004 00:55

So it's been a while since I've updated, and well, I've been pretty busy. Last night, however, has got to be hands down the craziest night of my life. I can't even get into it right now too, which sucks. If you want to know the score, let me know, but I can't post it right now. Give it about a week or two, then I think everything will be in the clear for sure. Right now I'm dealing with drunk Pi Kapp's who want to start shit with us. Gotta love being the one held responsible when shit goes down, ya know? Altho, when it was all over, Sammy, Ben, Roger, Spikes, Brett, and I all had a kick ass breakfast at Sherry's. God, I love that place. Then I got back and fell asleep around 8. Woke up again at 12 for house cleanup. Went back to bed till about 3.

Well, life recently has been busy. I find it hard to take a few minutes to just chill for myself. I always have someone or something to divert my attention away from me, and I don't have time to relax. And with situations like last night, I'm sure my blood pressure will sky rocket permanitly as a result. I think I have a quiz monday in finance, yea, actually I'm sure of it. I need to ask Sam if he has his old quizes from that class. I'm beating the system, what can I say?

Madre Figs came today, along with Aunt Linda. Kat, Parr (mike), myself, and the two of them all went out to mainstreet grill for dinner. It was a fun time, and I was happy to see them.

Big Joe needs help on JoeCollege. Seems as if everyone is turning it into a side project, rather than the main objective as he wants. I told him that I want to do whatever I can to make this work, but he won't let me until I graduate. But, he will be here in a few weeks, so that will definately rock hardcore. Much drinking shall be had by all.

Boca IMed my today. She seems to be doing well; studying her arse off and being broke. The life of a collge student. I miss that girl, I wish I could hang out with her more, and watch Cheers when we're depressed.

Thats about it for now, as I am being beckoned once more (I can't even update the LJ without someone needing me). Duty calls.

hahaha, duty...

hahaha diarrhea...
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