Feeling a little ranty.

Apr 26, 2009 11:17

You know, back in 2004, when Shrub squeaked a win, Republicans everywhere crowed at Democrats that we needed to suck it up and deal with 'the will of the people'. That we needed to stop talking about moving to Canada, that we were soft limp wristed Commies who didn't love our country.

Then we decided to run a black guy with Hussien for a middle name and beat the living shit out of your guy. Decisively. Like a pinata. And the bitching started.

These tea parties and idiot Texans declaring in a Stallone circa Judge Dread voice "We're above the law" are sort of my last straw.

Texas: We settled your right of succession with Lincoln v. Confederacy. You have no more a constitutional right to secede than I do to donkey punch a midget.

Tea Party Chuckleheads: YOUR TAXES ARE NOT GOING UP. I'm sorry, but farming and sheep buggery are not terribly profitable professions, and to be blunt you don't make enough to be worth taking. As it is, we already subsidize your asses, or more properly, your roads, schools, and infrastructure. That's right, the hippy liberal blue states like New York and California subsidize your asses. So, please, refuse all that money the Feds are giving you. That means we can use it here instead. Wait, you're not? You're going to ignore your principles about hard work and libertarian Galtian nonsense and take the money, and just whine like a pathetic little bitch while you're doing it? I hoped for better, but I didn't expect it.

Shut the fuck up and deal. We're in the 21st century, not the 19th, you backwards livestock spelunking dirt farmers. Nullification my nut sack.
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