Alright, as much as I hate to say it...Dexter has officially taken the lead as my new favorite show over Prison Break.
Prison Break is slowly jumping its shark now that Sarah Wayne Callies has completely fucked over the fans of the show by getting knocked up and refusing to come back to work dispite FOX's generosity, thus forcing them to wrap her character up in a tight little bloody package. I invested two years in Michael and Sarah's relationship and I feel like thats just a slap in the face...
...on the other hand, Dexter continues to be fresh, witty, and dementedly entertaining. The Season One Finale was fucking mind blowing and left me curious as to where the hell they could actually continue to take the story, and so far I haven't been disappointed.
Also, in some sort of twisted, selfish way...I feel like I can relate to Dexter more than I can Michael Scofield. I can't say that I have or ever cared about someone so drastically that I could go through everything he is putting himself through. Nor would anyone else for that matter. However, I have thought about putting away people that deserve it. Granted I wouldn't go to the lengths that Dexter takes it to either, but I feel like watching him hack up some douchebag is far more rewarding than watching Scofield get his ass kicked by some inmate.