So, I had a Samsung S8 I was all proud of for six months until they came out with the S9 in like no time flat in order to introduce new features no one cares about, wanted, needed, or will utilize. No, just kidding, it's for the sake of selling more phones before the equity on the previous model is paid off.
Technology companies are out of control and must be severely reigned in. Don't ask me how, just do it.
The Internet used to be super cool, but it didn't work so great. Then it got less cool as people flooded on, but it worked better. Now the Internet totally sucks because every single asshole in the world is on it and there's nothing special about being an online presence. Nowadays, the cool people are the ones who eschew the Internet entirely. Unfortunately, like Devo, I am through being cool and I am still on the Internet.
I seem to remember a lot of people up in arms about saving Net Neutrality, but once it was repealed they just shrugged and said, "WTF" and got on with their lives.
Hasn't anyone noticed how much the Internet sucks since then or am I just paranoid and being singled out?
From December 14, 2018 I grab this link. I tend to like CNET. Haven't had a chance to read the article and I have to log out. Library closes in five minutes.