The Best I Have To Share

Oct 10, 2017 23:13

The best I have to share is not of me, and I can take no credit for it. Credit means nothing to me. I would like to share the work of Sri Krishna Menon ~Atmananda~. I cannot speak a superlative that would be sufficient.

This is a brief biography from Atmananda Tattwa Samhita: The Direct Approach to Truth as Expounded by Sri Atmananda, 1973. It is a rare book.

I feel it is my duty to add as little of myself as possible in this post. By "myself" I mean "personality" which I know I am not. "I am the Absolute through the words of my Guru."

I find it extraordinarily interesting that Gurunathan was a police officer:

"Sri Atmananda continued as the Guru even when he was in the police service. As the A.S.P. Nagercoil, when he was on temple duty in his uniform, an avadhuta sage, Mayiamma, came that way. Stopping near him she asked him, "Is this also a karma yoga?" He answered, "Yes." She said, "You can do this." Then she walked away."

Consider the following from Notes on Spiritual Discourses of Shri Atmananda taken by Nitya Tripta (517 page PDF download).

"He had a two-fold mission in life. The first part of it - in his own words - was to expound the highest Truth, the ultimate Reality , in a manner and language understandable even to the kitchen maid.....

"The second part of his mission was to re-establish the dignity of the householder and his birthright to strive and to be liberated, while still remaining a householder."

Here are my links to my transcriptions of Atma Darshan - Atma Nirvriti, even more rare:

Atma Darshan (1-11 of 20 Chapters) By Sri Krishna Menon ~Atmananda~
Atma Darshan (Chapters 12-20 of 20) By Sri Krishna Menon ~Atmananda~
Atma Nirvriti (complete), by Sri Krishna Menon ~Atmananda~

Here follows another note from the above linked PDF, Notes on Spiritual Discourses of Shri Atmananda:

"Why such open talk?

"Shri Atmananda expounded the ultimate Truth in the most direct and uncompromising manner, and he gives his reasons here below for adopting this drastic method.

"A disciple asked: Why was secrecy so strictly observed in expounding the Truth in the old shastras?

"Gurunathan: Evidently, for fear of jeopardizing established religion and society. Religion had no place except in duality and social life. It was the prime moving force of social life in ancient times. But the concept of religion could not stand the strict logic of vedantic Truth.

"The sages of old, who recognized the great need of religion in phenomenal life, expounded the ultimate Truth under a strict cover of secrecy, thus enabling religion to play its role in lower human society. But religion in the present day world has been dethroned in many ways, and ungodly cults have come into existence in large numbers.

"Therefore it is high time now to throw off the veil of secrecy, and broadcast the whole Truth in the face of the world which has already advanced much, intellectually."

Sri Krishna Menon, ~Atmananda~
"I am pure consciousness which knows no dissolution."
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