Minor Update

Oct 22, 2005 22:20

I've decided that perhaps I should get back into the habit of posting here, though I suspect that, as usual, I won't really reveal anything internal.  Little Ado About Nothing, so to speak.

Taking a (very short) break just now - I have a take home midterm to work on over this weekend, and considering the material, I'm feeling a bit of time pressure.  Such is the life I've chosen, though, I suppose.

Friday night involved no math, though.  Instead, went with friends to The Dark Room, and enjoyed myself there, and at the after-party.  Many birthdays were celebrated, including DJ Human Nature's.  His set started out a bit moody, then went towards frantic "you must dance to this" stuff later in the evening.

As my friends have been going weekly for awhile (though circumstances have conspired to stop my attendance, in various ways), and I had rather a lot of fun (and need to spend more time around said friends), I think I'll go on a (perhaps much) more regular basis.  I've heard rather glowing words about bands that I've missed seeing there. :-)  Festivities for the weekend look to be extensive, and so I suppose that I have no choice but to continue to go and enjoy myself.

Many suppositions, this post.  Time to return to my studies.
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