Title: Ghosts Can't Cry
Author: Tabitha
Rating: G
Word Count: 239
Prompt: Phantom Dennis (006)
Character: Phantom Dennis, Cordy (kind of)
Ghosts can't cry. Dennis knew this. He had learned it from watching Cordy. He learned a lot by watching Cordy. He was bored. Random thought, Dennis said to himself. If a ghost talks and no one hears him... is it still speech? Cordy made him feel more than just a silent stuck person. That's what he was, after all, stuck.
Dennis didn't mark time by days. Recently he'd been marking time by how many girls came through after Cordy. They were all nice girls, but none of them wanted to talk to him. He tried being nice, like Cordy taught him, but they'd see the kleenex box floating "on it's own" or the covers being pulled up and freak out. Shortly after that they'd leave. After girl #10, he stopped trying.
Now he was just bored.
He didn't sleep, but he daydreamed. Cordy kept Dennis busy, she was always talking and he loved listening. She talked about her old life, her frustrations, how much she missed Doyle and secrets he'd never tell anyone (even if he could).
Girl #20 was chatting on the phone when he saw her. She walked through the door. Girl #20 didn't even flinch. She was different, her hair was short and she. Dennis paused as she walked right for him, hand on his cheek. "Now now," Cordy said softly. "Ghosts can't cry."