Hey guys! Instead of just begging for you to head over to PodcastAwards.com and vote for Buffy Between the Lines (because it would be the best birthday present EVER to win). I'm gonna give you some crack fic! So please go vote (use a real email address because you'll have to validate it 9 times out of 10). And then enjoy the Supernatural crack fic!
Title Metallicar Tells All
Author sl_podcast aka Tabz
Rating PG
Fandom: Supernatural
Characters/Pairing (if any) Metallicar (mentions of other characters)
A/N: I don't own the rights to the Winchester boys, but if I did there'd be some sort of oil involved.
Dean had missed what that shaman did back in New York, not that I should be surprised. I realized quickly that Dean misses a lot of things. I feel kind of bad saying that since Dean loves me so much, but really the man is denser than a burnt brownie.
So Dean missed the shaman muttering things over my hood. Some mumbo jumbo that brought me to life. To life! Of course, I'm a car it's not like I can do much with this consciousness. I'm a car after all.
The worst part? Now I realize how whiny the boys can be. And they sit on me.... a lot. I'm not just talking about the inside, that kind of tickles. But they sit on the hood, they jump on the back. They slide over the top. It really hurts. I'm no spring chicken folks, I've lived a long, long life in car years.
And all of the stuff I'm hauling in the trunk? Forget about it. It's way too much for even a strong, muscle car like me. No one appreciates all the hard work I do, but do you see me crying about it? Never. There's monsters to kill and I've got to help these boys out. Someone's gotta, they're pretty idiotic.
But, they're family. I know that. No matter how far we have to travel, no matter what kind of supernatural nonsense we're up against - we're together all the way to the end of the world.